Quotes taken from Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture by Walt Mueller
One of my sisters in church let me hold this book by Walt Mueller. WOW! The revelation that this Man of God has about this generation is mind jarring!
Are you really listening to this generation?
The youth of this generation is speaking loud and clear. Turn on MTV, VH1, BET, or now even your local channels. As a parent when was the last time you checked your children's “My Space” or “Face Book” account”? As youth leaders who are we chatting with online? Have we opened doors for sin and compromise for the youth we are leading because of our own compromise. To everyone in the Body of Christ, when was the last time we came out of our little box, out of the four walls and explored what is grabbing the hearts and minds of the youth from God?
Walt states, “All human beings need to be heard and understood. Those needs are amplified during the critical change-filled years where teenagers are moving from the dependence of childhood to the independence of adulthood” (pg 21, Walt Mueller)
I hear this said many times and now I say it to you. This is not a lost generation but a product of a lost generation. These young people are a product of a generation that stop standing up for prayer in the school. These young people are a product of uncensored TV and Radio. These young people are a product of seeing pastors run through the women in the church but yet preach about salvation. These young people are a product of broken homes and abuse.
I am included in that generation that society calls “Generation X”. My question is who X'ed us out?
In the book Walt Mueller asked his readers "who will be there for the youth?" He refers back to Deuteronomy 6: 4-9 when God spoke through Moses to the people of Israel about their responsibility to the young among them.
In Deuteronomy 6 Moses tell the people,
Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and your gates.
God’s heart is to use families and body of Christ to point young people to their divine purpose.
Let’s go back to the original question. Are you listening to this generation? As a youth leader and included in that generation that has been X'ed out, I think about the life that I am living, the places I go, the things I prefer to wear, the things I say and the way I react to sin period. I have been examining myself according to Duet 6: 4-9.
Based on the last time I checked the families in church are looking like & acting like the families in in the world. The families in the body of Christ are falling apart. As a result, the youth are growing up and turning away from God.
To be honest parents are clueless to what is going on with their children. Parents have lost their ears and the youth have lost their voice. Parents, mentors, pastors, & youth worker we must listen clearly to this generation. You may be saying I sit down and I follow up on what my children are doing. You may be even saying I know my child would never do this or that. My mother use to always tell us not the think that we have arrived or that we better because we have to pull down our pants to use the bathroom just like everyone else. That means you are not so perfect that you can not make a mistake & your children are so perfect that they can not sin.
You may have stood up in church or in the pulpit are testified about how wonderful your children are and how perfect you see them. I challenge you to listen clearly to your child. Read emails, read “my space”, read “face book”, read journals and poems and letters, sit and listen to their conversation with their friends. LISTEN to what they are really saying.
Now I know we are in time were the children run the house! (HA HA) You feel like that is their “business”. You feel like you will push them away and they won't trust you. OKAY BOO! Keep letting the devil and the world tell you how to raise your children. Remember God did not give the world your children to raise. He gave them to you and He is trusting to train them in the way they should go. Don't forgot to listen to what they are listening to on their iPods and MP3 players too.
It’s time we take a stand for the youth. We have to remove all sin out of our own lives and show our children the way to the FATHER!
It's time to break covenant with the enemy and make covenant with the Father. WE must come before God first and repent for every door that we have in our lives to sin. Close the door and seal the door with the blood of Jesus. Then we must take a stand in our homes, in our church and in our community.
As we move into one the most important time in these last days I challenge you to take a stand for something and stop falling for what looks good and sounds good. Pray FOR REAL about who needs to be elected as the next president. It's not about the color of the skin. It's about what do they stand for. I remind you we have the power as believers to overturn the laws through prayer and fasting. But what happens when we vote in a president that stands for everything against the word of God. It will effect your children. We have to stand for something! Our children are in a society where anything goes! We are helping to make the matters worst.
LISTEN to our youth and hear what they need from use! Will the REAL PARENTS, MENTORS, & PASTORS please stand up!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
He LOVES you!

On yesterday I had an encounter with the Love of God. It brought me back to when I was a child. When I was hurting or in need, I would run to my mother and my father. It seemed that they had just the right touch and just right the words to say to make all my problems disappear.
Now I run to Jesus. It is the Love of Jesus that covers you. It covers all your hang ups. It covers all your mistakes. It covers when you are misunderstood. It covers when you are in need.
Let him hold you on today. Let him kiss the hurt and the pain away. Let him speak life into your spirit. Let him tell you who you are to him. Rest in his arms and trust Him. He is a man that will never lie! Depend on the words that He speaks.
Come to the Father as a child, broken and humble. When you cry out, it is His love and compassion that comes to your rescue. Embrace to Father today. Let go of everything else and embrace the Father's love.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Feeling like something is wrong or that you are out of place?

Discover your “Before Place”
On this past Sunday the youth pastor, Joshua, of our ministry delivered a powerful message entitled Transformational Anointing Trilogy: Discovering the “Before Place”. This was the third message of a series that we have been studying.
During the message Joshua used clips from the 1999 film The Matrix. It was WOW! I would like to take a moment to impart to you some truths from that message on the Transformational Anointing.
God is calling us to our “Before Place”. I challenge you to rent, or buy The Matrix. This time when you watch it, open your mind and see how different scenes relate to our transformation from the world to the kingdom.
The main character Neo represents the believer. He has been called out from the Matrix into the truth.
Jeremiah 1:5 says that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Okay so the question that I would like for you to ponder on is “What did God have in mind for you in your before place.”
In the movie when Neo first woke up outside of the Matrix. He went to open His eyes he stated that his eyes were hurting. The response he received was “You have never used them better.”
Just like Neo, we have never used our spiritual eyes before. We have allowed the world around us to dictate who we are, what we do, how we talk, how we dress, and how we even serve our God. It’s time to WAKE UP!
Romans 12:2 tells us “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind. THEN you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--- his GOOD, PLEASING, and PERFECT will.
A WAKE UP call is going out to you. It time out for going through the motions of being a “good” Christian. God did not die on the Cross for you to be a “proclaimed” Christian. He died so that everything about you would represent Him. If you have not allowed for your mind to be renewed then you are not in the GOOD, PLEASING, and PERFECT will for your life.
He is calling you back to your first Love (read Rev. 2: 1-4). The word of God says that you must RENEW your mind. RE means to do over. That means that he already has given you what you need you in your before place. You have to check back in with Him and let Him show you the original plan that He had for your life.
Relating this back to the Matrix, Neo mind had to be unplugged from the system. Then they had to download into Him programs to help Him fight and survive while he was in the Matrix. It was a process. That is what the word of God does for us. We must unplug our mind from the world’s system and plug into the Word of God and allow a download to take place.
Duet 28:1 says “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nation on the earth.”
It’s time out for doing it our way! We must submit to the will of Lord for our lives. When Neo was in the first Jump Program, Morpheus told Neo you have to remove all doubt, all fear and unbelief. That is what the Lord is requiring too. Remove all doubt, all fear and unbelief. Let Him be the Lord of your life so that He can show the original plan that He has for you.
1 Peter 2:1, 9 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind ….. you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Come out of darkness! WAKE UP! Walk in your BEFORE PLACE!
On this past Sunday the youth pastor, Joshua, of our ministry delivered a powerful message entitled Transformational Anointing Trilogy: Discovering the “Before Place”. This was the third message of a series that we have been studying.
During the message Joshua used clips from the 1999 film The Matrix. It was WOW! I would like to take a moment to impart to you some truths from that message on the Transformational Anointing.
God is calling us to our “Before Place”. I challenge you to rent, or buy The Matrix. This time when you watch it, open your mind and see how different scenes relate to our transformation from the world to the kingdom.
The main character Neo represents the believer. He has been called out from the Matrix into the truth.
Jeremiah 1:5 says that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Okay so the question that I would like for you to ponder on is “What did God have in mind for you in your before place.”
In the movie when Neo first woke up outside of the Matrix. He went to open His eyes he stated that his eyes were hurting. The response he received was “You have never used them better.”
Just like Neo, we have never used our spiritual eyes before. We have allowed the world around us to dictate who we are, what we do, how we talk, how we dress, and how we even serve our God. It’s time to WAKE UP!
Romans 12:2 tells us “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind. THEN you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--- his GOOD, PLEASING, and PERFECT will.
A WAKE UP call is going out to you. It time out for going through the motions of being a “good” Christian. God did not die on the Cross for you to be a “proclaimed” Christian. He died so that everything about you would represent Him. If you have not allowed for your mind to be renewed then you are not in the GOOD, PLEASING, and PERFECT will for your life.
He is calling you back to your first Love (read Rev. 2: 1-4). The word of God says that you must RENEW your mind. RE means to do over. That means that he already has given you what you need you in your before place. You have to check back in with Him and let Him show you the original plan that He had for your life.
Relating this back to the Matrix, Neo mind had to be unplugged from the system. Then they had to download into Him programs to help Him fight and survive while he was in the Matrix. It was a process. That is what the word of God does for us. We must unplug our mind from the world’s system and plug into the Word of God and allow a download to take place.
Duet 28:1 says “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nation on the earth.”
It’s time out for doing it our way! We must submit to the will of Lord for our lives. When Neo was in the first Jump Program, Morpheus told Neo you have to remove all doubt, all fear and unbelief. That is what the Lord is requiring too. Remove all doubt, all fear and unbelief. Let Him be the Lord of your life so that He can show the original plan that He has for you.
1 Peter 2:1, 9 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind ….. you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Come out of darkness! WAKE UP! Walk in your BEFORE PLACE!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Youth with GUTS is a ministry birthed to reach the youth of today and the parents alike!
GUTS stands for Give Up The Sin.
I am challenging all "Christians" to wake up and see that the enemy is stealing, killing and destroying our children, families, ministries, marriages, friendships, and Destiny. How is he doing this? He is doing this through SIN.
I would like to inform you that there is virus on the loose. You can catch it at first touch. People dealing with this virus may not have any symptoms for days or weeks. This virus is a silent killer! It has no respect to race or gender, nor does it have respect for social class. It destroys and kills anything or anybody that it comes in contact with. The virus is not AIDS it is called SIN!
It attacks your mind, your body and your heart. You could live a normal life and never realize that you have the virus.If someone told you that you had cancer you would not reply "thanks for telling me". NO! You would be asking questions a mile a minute.
Romans 3:23 (TNIV) says that "... all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard."
This is not a rare virus. That's the good thing because the word of God confirms that it is something we all deal with. The word of God also gives us instructions on how to fight off this virus.
So lets look at what you need to do to protect yourself:
1- Trust that Jesus Christ died for your sin and therefore if you believe in him, you shall not die but have everlasting life. You have to trust that Jesus is your only hope of salvation from this virus called sin.
2- Confess you sins to the father & keep your account with God short. I read this someone once and it helped me understand that on my walk in life I will make mistakes. The key is confession and repentance. Repentance means to turn away from the sin. As you become more aware of sin in your life, you will confess these sins to God so that you can have a good relationship with God. You do not want to create a grocery list of sin with the Father. This is a term I heard used before- "spiritual breathing". Every one of us must practice spiritual breathing. This means that keep your relationship with God healthy and connected.
3- Invest in a Bible and USE IT! Psalm 119: 11 says "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
"The Bottom Line" is that you have to want to live. You could be walking around every day and yet dying. Allow Jesus Christ to come into your heart so that he can be your helper. God hates sin!!!! If you grow comfortable with sin it will destroy your life.
So why is this important for the Youth? Do you have GUTS to walk away from destruction? I was not born a saint and as I blog more I will share my testimony with the youth of this world. I had to come to a place in my life where nothing else mattered but life eternally with the Father!
I realize that a lot of sin is fun; otherwise so many people would not be sinning! The thing you have to realize is that it was our sin that hung Jesus to the cross.
I encourage you to watch the Passion of the Christ- Watch it & see the blows to His body and the lashes to His back. As you watch it, note that that lash and that one and yes that one..... that one.... that one.... help us Lord... that one... and that one... all of the lashes he bore was for you and I!
I love you but Jesus loves you more! That is why I say GIVE UP THE SIN!
GUTS stands for Give Up The Sin.
I am challenging all "Christians" to wake up and see that the enemy is stealing, killing and destroying our children, families, ministries, marriages, friendships, and Destiny. How is he doing this? He is doing this through SIN.
I would like to inform you that there is virus on the loose. You can catch it at first touch. People dealing with this virus may not have any symptoms for days or weeks. This virus is a silent killer! It has no respect to race or gender, nor does it have respect for social class. It destroys and kills anything or anybody that it comes in contact with. The virus is not AIDS it is called SIN!
It attacks your mind, your body and your heart. You could live a normal life and never realize that you have the virus.If someone told you that you had cancer you would not reply "thanks for telling me". NO! You would be asking questions a mile a minute.
Romans 3:23 (TNIV) says that "... all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard."
This is not a rare virus. That's the good thing because the word of God confirms that it is something we all deal with. The word of God also gives us instructions on how to fight off this virus.
So lets look at what you need to do to protect yourself:
1- Trust that Jesus Christ died for your sin and therefore if you believe in him, you shall not die but have everlasting life. You have to trust that Jesus is your only hope of salvation from this virus called sin.
2- Confess you sins to the father & keep your account with God short. I read this someone once and it helped me understand that on my walk in life I will make mistakes. The key is confession and repentance. Repentance means to turn away from the sin. As you become more aware of sin in your life, you will confess these sins to God so that you can have a good relationship with God. You do not want to create a grocery list of sin with the Father. This is a term I heard used before- "spiritual breathing". Every one of us must practice spiritual breathing. This means that keep your relationship with God healthy and connected.
3- Invest in a Bible and USE IT! Psalm 119: 11 says "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
"The Bottom Line" is that you have to want to live. You could be walking around every day and yet dying. Allow Jesus Christ to come into your heart so that he can be your helper. God hates sin!!!! If you grow comfortable with sin it will destroy your life.
So why is this important for the Youth? Do you have GUTS to walk away from destruction? I was not born a saint and as I blog more I will share my testimony with the youth of this world. I had to come to a place in my life where nothing else mattered but life eternally with the Father!
I realize that a lot of sin is fun; otherwise so many people would not be sinning! The thing you have to realize is that it was our sin that hung Jesus to the cross.
I encourage you to watch the Passion of the Christ- Watch it & see the blows to His body and the lashes to His back. As you watch it, note that that lash and that one and yes that one..... that one.... that one.... help us Lord... that one... and that one... all of the lashes he bore was for you and I!
I love you but Jesus loves you more! That is why I say GIVE UP THE SIN!
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