The vision is coming together! It has been 7 months since God gave me the vision for GUTS. After much prayer and not despising the small beginnings, I am writing the vision and making it plain.
I would like for everyone to be in prayer as I step out and take GUTS to the high schools and the local community. I am apart of KAEC dream team and the vision for the ministry is "Advancing the Kingdom of God through acts of His perfect love."
As I pondered on the vision I thought how can the ministry that God placed in my belly advance the Kingdom through HIS perfect love. I thought how many young girls need to know that life does not end because they are pregnant? How many young girls need to know that they have a option outside of abortion? How many young girls and guys need to know that God loves them and that love is not found in SEX outside of marriage!
My plan is to team up with Life Care Pregnancy Center (http://www.lifecarenc.org/) and reach out to the young girls and guys about the Sanctity of Human Life and Marriage. WE are in a season of CHANGE! Everyone is counting on change to come from a president. I am counting on change to come from the Father. The world is facing a change in the value we place on human life, and value of marriage and family! GUTS calls the youth to take a stand and say "CHANGE is going to come when we walk in the WORD OF GOD!"
So Today is the beginning of a new things for GUTS! I am excited about 2009... "My tunnel experience is beginning and I know there is LIGHT at the END!" I have a lot going on because God has trusted me to be light and salt in this generation. As I prepare for sooooooooo much to take place in 2009. God is calling me to no longer bury my gifts and talents in the sand and just hope for a return. It's time to step out and see what the end will be.
I am sending out a call for the generation to walk in FEARLESS LOVE! FEARLESS LOVE can only come through the Perfect Love of Jesus!
Talk with you later. Check out my future "Hubby" site to learn more about the awesome vision God has given Him. (http://www.ianbwalker.com/)