The worst prison that you can be in is the one in your own mind. Many of you may have different “Personal Prisons”. I am here to tell you that your freedom is here! The word of God says that we overcome by the word of our testimony. I share a personal testimony to the ladies dealing with rejection-
On Saturday January 31 I turned 27 years old. On a day that I should have been just excited about a new year, I was hit with a harsh reality. The reality is “what will the next years really be like if you are not free in your own mind.”
My prison is REJECTION! I began my day with acts of Love. I went and passed out gloves, scarves, and a “love note” from Heaven to the homeless community. That should of pushed me to be more grateful. I then went and prayed with a young girl from the church that has a decease that can kill her. I should have been even more grateful.
After all that by 6:00pm on my birthday I felt a huge weight of disappointment. It was not because of gifts- I actually got what I wanted. I was frustrated, I was hurt, I was feeling like what happen to nice cards with a love note from the "hubby". I wanted to spend personal time with my future "hubby". I wanted my parents to call me earlier. I wanted to be worshipped on that day. Let's be honest our minds have been trained that on my birthday people should give ME, tell ME, spend time with ME, give ME a gift this way, Wrap MY gift this way. Spend money on ME this way. We take the year that God has blessed us with and make it as if it's all about us instead of being about the creator who created us.
I found myself feeling rejected and the weight of being unthankful was weighing me down. It was a lot going on. I began to express to the Father. It’s not about the gift. It’s about I wanted a genuine hug. I wanted a genuine phone call to say I am happy you are in my life. I wanted at least a card to say the same. I began to beat myself up about being ungrateful. I began to say you don’t deserve anyone to go out of their way to say they love you.
In reality I was locking myself into a prison. I began to try to protect myself from the hurt and fear. It was a harsh reality that God’s gift of life seemed belittled by a man’s lack of words. I was placing people's love in the place that God’s love and peace should have been in.
For my birthday God was trying to give me a gift of FREEDOM by way of due process. He allowed me to see how selfish I am. Many people may not think I was expecting to much but for what God is doing in my life I cannot allow myself to place so high expectations on man that I forget that Jesus Christ is my best friend, my first husband, my mother and my father!
God did not want me to focus on the what did not take place that day. He wanted me to focus on the source of my strength, the breathe in my body, the fact that I am not in the hospital dying, the fact that I am not that homeless person needing gloves and blankets. I missed that because I locked myself into a prison called REJECTION!
By Monday it hit the surface. God spoke clearly to me in my prayer time. I have blessed you with 27 years and you will give me the next 27 days. He said I will bring you into 2- agreement with me and I will 7-complete the process I started in you in November. (that is my journey into the unknown but trusting the Father every step of the way)
Many times it’s easy to blame the depression and oppression and the feeling of being rejected on the people around us. It’s easy to say my spouse did this or that. It’s easy to say that my children do not do this or that. It’s easy to say that my parents did this to me or that. That is real easy to say, but God is saying do HARD THINGS! I wasted a whole day being concerned about why did FLESH not do something for me. It was God that gave me life 27 years ago. It is God that is keeping me together.
If you deal with rejection realize that prison you place yourself in shuts God out. You have to activate the power of God’s love in your life. If you be honest not thing is ever good enough for you because all you see is the prison walls and bars.
I’m coming out and I want the world to know! Rejection will never ruin another day for me! God processes us through different things so that we can see the need of HIS hand. We have to be completely dependent on the love of God and his word concerning us.
GUTS is not being afraid to expose your weaknesses so that others may see the hand of God. When you allow any prison to lock you up in your mind, you find yourself forgetting about God. You find yourself relying on man and not seeing the power of God. Refuse to be in any bondage in your mind. Believe the word of God and nothing can stop you. Don’t allow anything to still your worship and praise. Break out of depression and oppression. Allow God to be your first lover! Be determined to bring down that wall that keeps popping up in your mind. BE FREE TO BE YOU!