Keep your mind and heart toward heaven. The Lord wants to download information to you and He can not do it if your hard drive is full. Get rid of the junk and open up so that you hear from the Lord.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
If you have a ear hear!
When I speak, will you hear? Many times the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, but we are not able to hear. We have to be open. We have to be in tune to the Holy Spirit when He speaks to us. We have to stay free of all the nonsense around us!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Your Intercession is God's womb:

That is what I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me. As I was sitting in Prayer the Holy Spirit had me searching the books of Psalm. I began to read Ps 139. I just began to cry out to the Father in Thanksgiving! It was so much confirmation to one of my brother’s blog. He shared a revelation he received about God wanting to be intimate with us (go to
I was thinking about that this morning and the Holy Spirit said “I do want to talk to you more. There are things that only you can do in the earth realm for me and I need to know I can trust you. I need to know that you will follow my instruction.” It was an “Okay God" moment for me. I am reading this book titled The Happy Intercessor by Beni Johnson. She explains that our intercession is the womb that God uses to birth His will into the earth.
It is through intercession that we spend quality time with God. The word often compares God and His church to the relationship of a bride and the groom.In the COVENANT of marriage a husband and wife have sex and become intimate with one another. As a result of this intimacy, children are conceived. And thus we have walking bodies on the earth that were conceived from that time of intimacy. Yes I had a WOW moment! God wants to be intimate with us so that we can receive and give birth to his purpose in the earth.
I often say In-ti-ma-cy is "In-to-me-you-see". God wants to see into us:
Ps 139- “You have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar…… You are familiar with my ways .”
God wants to get intimate with you. He needs us to intercede and pray so that He can release dreams, vision, businesses, & movements to you. You have the womb and God wants you to give birth in this season. This generation needs men and women that will be intercessors. Those that will carry His next move in their bellies and birth it! There are things that only you can do. There are souls that only your words will set them free. There are young girls and boys waiting to hear from you.
Are you ready for this? If you don’t do it then it want get done!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Lamp on a Stand

"If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Pastor Sherry asked, “what are you hearing when you read Mark 4:21-23.”
Mark 4: 21-22- “He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? 22- For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.”
When I received the text, I begin to look around my bedroom. The room was dark with a little light from my bedroom window. At that time I was making up the bed with that light from the window. Afterward I walked over and turned on the lamp. I look at the bed and it was a big lump in the middle of the bed. I did not see that lump with the small light from the window but the lamp lit up the room and it revealed the lump in the bed.
I thought “a lamp exposes and brings revelation”. The amplified version of this passage reads:
22[[b]Things are hidden temporarily only as a means to revelation.] For there is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything [temporarily] kept secret except in order that it may be made known.
22[[b]Things are hidden temporarily only as a means to revelation.] For there is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything [temporarily] kept secret except in order that it may be made known.
We must search to walk in the light of the word. Revelation will come when we walk in the light of the word. Things that were hidden from us will be revealed. The mysteries will be opened up to us because we are looking at it with clarity instead under a dim light.
This reminds me of renewing the mind. When we operated in the flesh our minds were viewing life with the light being under the bowl of sin. Once we came into the “light”, things that were hidden from our natural eyes were no longer hidden. The “lumps” in our life could be seen. We began to walk in wisdom and revelation. In return we began to understand and know Jesus more!
My ears hear- Lord give me wisdom and revelation to know you better. Let the light of your word shine so that all that has been concealed and hidden may be brought out into open and disclosed.
Thursday, April 16, 2009

God is Raising up a GENERATION now! God is raising up blazing ones.
Matthew 24:12-13 states that "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who ENDURES to the end shall be saved"
Has your heart grew cold with religion and sin? Have you become so comfortable in your sin and lawlessness that you no longer house the love of God. Have you been so comfortable going back to the vomit of sin and yet calling yourself a Christian. ALERT! Your heart is growing COLD!
When I think of a cold heart, I think of DEATH! The wages of sin is death. Some people are the walking dead and just wearing a toe tag that label them a Christian. God is not mocked and He is a man that can not lie! He is coming back for those that endure. He is coming back for those that are on FIRE with his LOVE! ARISE DRY BONES and live.
Can these dead and cold bones (hearts) live. The Spirit of the Lord says YES! ARISE!
ARISE generation with GUTS to stand against the persecution, lies, rebellion, and torment. No matter where the torment is coming from, (friends, families, or enemies) the Lord is answering with a great thunder from heaven and He is overturning some stuff. He is shaking the rebellion in the land and what is righteous will be left standing.
SO I release a CRY to the generation to ARISE! DRY BONES & LIVE! Jer 1:17- Therefore prepare yourself and ARISE and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them... vs. 10 - See, I have set you over the nations and over the kingdom, TO root out and TO pull down, TO destroy and TO throw down, TO build and TO plant.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wake UP!
Revelations 3:2 - WAKE UP! and strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.
This week I have been at IHOP, The international House of Prayer. It was no big conference it was just worship and sitting in the presence of the Father. It was a time of hearing what the Lord is speaking to us! I just hear WAKE UP and strengthen what remains. Our work is unfinished. We have been in the church. We have gone through the motions. We have song on the worship team. We have been in the morning prayers. God is still speaking that our work is unfinished! The God of host is ready to open up the heavens and pour out his blessings upon us! We are in a moment of time that we must be able to hear God and obey! We must be able to be able to get in line with the Father and carry His gospel without doubt and sin! The weight of sin is what is keeping us from moving into the move of God! God is speaking so clearly! WAKE UP! We are in this world but not of the world! We are just passing through this life but we answer to a higher calling! What are you doing now that the Lord is saying LET IT GO! Revelation 3:15 tells us that He knows our deeds, that we are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! --- Which way will you GO!
This week I have been at IHOP, The international House of Prayer. It was no big conference it was just worship and sitting in the presence of the Father. It was a time of hearing what the Lord is speaking to us! I just hear WAKE UP and strengthen what remains. Our work is unfinished. We have been in the church. We have gone through the motions. We have song on the worship team. We have been in the morning prayers. God is still speaking that our work is unfinished! The God of host is ready to open up the heavens and pour out his blessings upon us! We are in a moment of time that we must be able to hear God and obey! We must be able to be able to get in line with the Father and carry His gospel without doubt and sin! The weight of sin is what is keeping us from moving into the move of God! God is speaking so clearly! WAKE UP! We are in this world but not of the world! We are just passing through this life but we answer to a higher calling! What are you doing now that the Lord is saying LET IT GO! Revelation 3:15 tells us that He knows our deeds, that we are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! --- Which way will you GO!
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