God is saying that I have given you beauty for ashes. That old is gone and behold I have done a new thing. The Promise of Restoration is what God is releasing NOW!
Jer 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know"
Call on the Lord in this season and He will answer you and show you things that you do not know. He will pull out gifts in you that you did not even know existed. He will pull out of you the deep desires of your heart that you had forgotten about. The desires of your heart that life tried to wipe out are the desires that He is bringing back. DREAM again! There are promises in your life that have not yet been fulfilled. Cling to the promises of the Lord and do not let go until every promise is fulfilled. Remember that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord!
Someone thought you were dead. Someone saw dead bones but God saw you as a member of His last day army! ARISE and walk out the promises of the Lord.
Lift your hands now and cry out "JESUS be gloried in my life. I turn to you oh Lord! Here is my life and it belongs to you. I surrender Lord. My desire is to please you in all that I do. When people look at me let them see you. Let your word run in my life and let it run swiftly, let your word be gloried in my life. Lord I turn my eyes to you and I praise you for your mercy. Thank you Lord for coming to me while I was dead in my transgressions and you gave me new life. Your mercy endures forever. Thank you Father for calling me out. Thank you for showing me my destiny. YES Lord.. My heart and my soul says YES LORD! Continue to reveal yourself to me."
In Jesus Name AMEN!