Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Repentance Brings Blessing

God has been faithful! His faithfulness has not depended on our ability to get everything right. He has shown us His grace and mercy even when we did not deserve it. We have taken His grace for granted. God is giving us the opportunity to get it right! Repent, Dust yourself off and begin to fight the good fight of faith.

Get back in the game people! Return to the Lord although you have falling by your iniquity. (Hosea 14) We have been driven away by our own sinful desires. There is no temptation that can come upon us that is not common to man. That means that the temptation that we face is common in this age, but we can only be tempted by what we desire. My Pastor always says for most people (normal people) you can not give them a little 5 year old and say rape them. That is sick! We would kill the person who tried to get us to do it. So when you are tempted, it's because in your heart you desire that sin.

God is saying "open up the doors of your heart and allow Me to come and purify you." Allow God to bless you. You have to embrace the GREATER pleasures of serving the Father. It's time to set aside the weight of sin and take hold of the Father's grace and tender kindness. His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

Turn to the Lord with all your heart with fasting, weeping and mourning. Give Him your heart and not your works, not your good idea, not your opinions, and not your lip service. He desires your heart. Give him your heart and He will be gracious to you. When you return to the Lord you will experience his mercy. (Joel 2)

There is a blessing in repenting.