NIV 2- Timothy 2:19
"Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "the Lord knows those who are his" and Everyone who confess the Name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."
If you meditate on this scripture, it is saying those who confess in the Name of the Lord will turn away from their wicked ways. When we turn away from our wicked ways and turn the Father he recognizes us as His own.
How do we turn from our wicked ways? We must be a people of Prayer, of Fasting, and of the Word. Prayer keeps our connection with the Father alive. Fasting helps to kill the flesh and makes us sensitive to the voice of the Father and the Word is a lamp to our feet.
God is calling for vessel that will have a solid foundation. Vessel of Honor that will abide in Him. He is looking for those that will turn from the wickedness of the world and turn to Him.
But is a great house there are not only vessel of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. (2 Tim 20-21)
Repentance! Repentance is our opportunity to turn from things that have been hindering love , and as such, repentance becomes the catalyst for a greater and more profound intimacy with the Father (Bob Sorge- Secrets of the Secret Place)
I want to be in a intimate relationship with the Father. I want Him to call me His very own! And when we repent and turn we will be vessels of honor for noble use in the Kingdom.
Our Prayer today: "Lord thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You that Your Son, Jesus, died so that we could be forgiven for our sin. Today Lord I ask for forgiveness for the things in my life hindering love, righteousness and holiness. Lord I desire to be a vessel of honor. I desire to be a instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful for You and prepared for everything that You would have me to do in the earth today. Remove the wickedness in my nature that discolors the fabric of my thoughts, motives, feelings, responses and desire. Show me all the areas of sin in my life like pride, rebellion, unbelief, envy, selfishness, ambition and covetousness. Here I am Lord! I am in need of your touch!I will not relent until you have all of me!"