Dear Child,
I want you to know how much I, God your Father, love you… you who love my Son and are indwelled with my Holy Spirit. You are so special to me!
There is no condemnation for you! Ever! If you think about it all, what in the world can separate us from each other? Shall troubles, distress, or persecution? Of course not! How about famine, nakedness, or danger? No! In everything, I will stand by you, and together we will overwhelmingly conquer all trials.
I want you to have great confidence. Be assured! Neither death or life, angels or demons, anything that has happened in the past or will happen in the future can ever separate us. Think of it this way- my love is higher, lower and stronger than anything I have ever created. Remember the words of my son, Jesus, when he said, “I will be with you always, even to the end of age.” That is a long time! And he meant what he said. I will never leave you or forsake you – believe it!
Remember my love for you is free, with no strings attached.
So never forget: I made you! The Supreme Artist designed you and shaped you, my finest masterpiece. So from now on, walk confidently in this knowledge, in the steps I set aside for you since the beginning of time. Steps only you can walk. I will give you strength to walk in a manner worthy of my love. A lifetime of good works is waiting!
Your Heavenly Father