Monday, March 18, 2013
Sound the Alarm!

Thursday, March 14, 2013
Gird up your loins
My first Post for 2013!
The Lord is faithful and just! I greet in the Name of my Lord and Savior JESUS. Who is author and finisher of my faith!
Our God is a all consuming FIRE! I was going through my blogs today and I realized the fire that I had when I started blogging. In the past year the spirit of discouragement and complacency hit me hard. I have had friends walk away. I had friends that once ran with me in ministry no longer by my side. I have seen the young ladies that I ministered to and poured into walk away from their faith. It was a really hard year.
Then today it was like a light bulb came on. It was like the all consuming fire began to burn in my bones. I began to encourage myself in the word. I realized that sitting down on God is not going to change my situation or anyone's life. I realized that I have been allowing people to die on my watch. I realized that I placed my trust in my image and material things more than I placed my trust in Christ. I realized that my relationships with people have shaped my relationship with God. I realized that I have been serving the blessings of God and rather than the lover of my soul- JESUS!
So if you have felt defeated or felt like "I know I should be doing more, but what for", I say to you "Gird up your loins" with truth. Ephesians 6:14- Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness." NLT It is time for us to get in the word of God and stand! God's word is the truth!
We are in the mist of the greatness time in history. During this time the Lord wants us to STAND OUT and truly walk out the word. Living and Breathing the word is the only way we will stand in during these perilous times.
We are in the greatest time in history because int he mist of everything the enemy is doing, souls will see the Glory of the Lord! The world is getting worst but we understand we serve the true and living God. We can not back down. We can not shrink back! We can not say "Well it's the last days" We have to be a voice crying out in wilderness. We have to proclaim JESUS in these last days.
If you read 2 Tim 3:3-9 it speaks of the last days. It speaks of everything that we see all around us now. People being lovers of self. People being lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. People with no self-control. People being lovers of money, proud, ungrateful, having a from of godliness but denying His power and much more.
But like Timothy we know the word. You may not have a living example standing in front of you but all through out the word we can read of those that stood in the mist of lawlessness. We have to contend through the word. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. We want to be equipped for every good work.
So let's grid our lions with the word of the Lord. It holds everything together. Many of us have been distracted. We have allowed our eyes to get off of God. WE are looking at the things going on around us. Some have fallen into sin. Some have allowed the enticing and seducing spirits of Babylon to cause them to be "Sunday Christians". This means you read the word to see how close you can live to the sin line without falling completely in sin. Some have been hurt and walking in the spirit of offense. Whatever the case may be, know you surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on JESUS the pioneer and perfecter of faith!(read Heb 12:12-3)
A generation needs us NOW! Lord cleanse our heart and mind with your hyssop and make us whiter than snow! We desire you more than the temporary pleasures of this life. We want to be set apart for your purpose!
Our Lord is a all consuming fire. He has called us to love Him with ALL our heart, ALL our mind and ALL our soul. That leaves no room for any other thing. Let's keep our lambs burning!
May the Lord Bless you and Keep you!
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