WOW! I just wanted to share with everyone the faithfulness of my daddy.
In 2003 I gave my life, my mind and my body to the Father. I did not know everything but I knew that my life was headed down hill. Since January of 2004 I made a vow to the Father that the next man I have sex with would be my husband. I then took my vow to another level. I said to my daddy, "I do not even want to waste time dating". That was in 2004. Now I am 23 days and counting from becoming Mrs. Ian "Joshua" Walker. These 6 years have not always been easy. I have cried myself to sleep at night. I have kicked and screamed. I have tried to walk away but I kept finding myself back at the altar. I now realize that it is WORTH IT!
People pray for houses and cars and material things. When I got saved I knew that I did not want my daughter to ever experience "uncle so & so" or "mommy friend #1 and #2 and #3 and #4". My prayer was God I want to be married by the time I am 30 and I want Him to be a man that loves you more than he loves me. I prayed Lord let him love Mary like his own. Let her be able to look at him and see a man of God and never want to settle for less. I prayed that when I got married my house would be a place of worship. Let me tell you God gave me what I needed and more! Joshua is God sent. He is the man that God fashioned for me! He is my friend and I can not wait until August 15 when I trade in the disappointments of relationships for my promise.
On last night Pastor preached a message titled "Make Room for Your Blessing". I encourage every woman and man to prepare yourself today for what God wants to do in your life. I did not realize what I was making room for in 2003 when I walked away from a life of sin. I did not realize that when I changed my number and I turned away from friends, what I was making room for. I did not realize that when I gave up dating and sex that I was preparing for my King. YES there was and is still more preparation but please understand that the word tells us that God is able and will do MORE than we can ever imagine.
Close your eyes right now...... Imagine what you want for your life.... Imagine your marriage... Imagine your home... Imagine your children... Imagine your ministry... Imagine God using you to touch the nation... Now open you eyes and know that GOD can DO EVEN MORE THAN WHAT YOU JUST IMAGINED!
God is blessing those that have prepared themselves to receive. Start preparing yourself today for your destiny. FAITH without WORKS is DEAD! Whatever you are believing God for prepare yourself for it!
1 Chron 4:10 - Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.
Jebez just did not ask God to enlarge his territory. He knew that he needed to be able to handle larger territory, so he asked for God's hand to be with him and keep him from pain. You are not alone in this NEW place. Allow God to have His hand on you so that He can process you and prepare you to walk into larger territory.
Today in this hour God is releasing new territory! Territory is your right mind, your finances, your purity, your hope and dreams, your health, your marriage, your children, your home, your car, your peace, or your ability to endure. God is saying whatever you need from Him begin to prepare yourself to receive it. Make ROOM for God to BLESS you!
Please continue to pray for me as I MAKE ROOM for God to enlarge my territory with MARRIAGE, and with my DAUGHTER, with the FURNACE, with GUTS and most importantly with WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING because it is my desire to KNOW HIM BETTER!
Oh that God would prepare us and enlarge our territory!!
You are worthy of all that God is blessing you with. May your days be filled with happiness.
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