I posted this blog before but this is truly a cry NOW. 2011 is the year that a generation of young people will come out of the pit of darkness, come out of religion and tradition and really rise up and serve GOD for real!
God is Raising up a GENERATION now! God is raising up blazing ones.
Matthew 24:12-13 states that "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who ENDURES to the end shall be saved"
Has your heart grew cold with religion and sin? Have you become so comfortable in your sin and lawlessness that you no longer house the love of God. Have you been so comfortable going back to the vomit of sin and yet calling yourself a Christian. ALERT! Your heart is growing COLD!
When I think of a cold heart, I think of DEATH! The wages of sin is death. Some people are the walking dead and just wearing a toe tag that label them a Christian. God is not mocked and He is a man that can not lie! He is coming back for those that endure. He is coming back for those that are on FIRE with his LOVE! ARISE DRY BONES and live.
Can these dead and cold bones (hearts) live. The Spirit of the Lord says YES! ARISE!
ARISE generation with GUTS to stand against the persecution, lies, rebellion, and torment. No matter where the torment is coming from, (friends, families, or enemies) the Lord is answering with a great thunder from heaven and He is overturning some stuff. He is shaking the rebellion in the land and what is righteous will be left standing.
SO I release a CRY to the generation to ARISE! DRY BONES & LIVE! Jer 1:17- Therefore prepare yourself and ARISE and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them... vs. 10 - See, I have set you over the nations and over the kingdom, TO root out and TO pull down, TO destroy and TO throw down, TO build and TO plant.
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