Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winds of the Father Blow Over Us!

Let the winds of the Father blow over your heart and your soul. Allow the Lord to come into your heart and do a new thing. Allow his power to touch your soul and make your soul line up with your spirit man.

Let the winds of the Father awaken you in 2010. He is unlocking new dreams and vision that are from his throne. He does not want you to live life aimlessly anymore. He does not want you beating the air. He wants you to be effective in 2010. He wants you not to just be excited about the new thing. He wants you to experience newness and refreshing.

He is blowing on the hurt. He is blowing on the disappointment. He is blowing on the rejection. He is blowing on that marriage. He is blowing on your children. He is blowing on your weariness. He is blowing on your sickness. He is blowing on your sin!

"Awake, Awake oh north winds. Awake Awake oh south winds! Blow over us! Refine us, test us, try us and make us pure gold. " Misty Edwards

Cry out for refreshing in your heart and GO HARD after God! Come naked and unashamed. He is waiting for a willing heart, a open mind and broken spirit.

It’s in your weakness that you are MADE STRONG! Welcome to 2010!!

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