Friday, December 11, 2009

Took this from my Daddy!

Let this New year be the beginning of a new life in each of us wherein "Old things are passed away."
NOT the old thoughts, of course, which are still true:
But those that remain to nurse and encourage our prejudices.

NOT the old emotions that are filled with kindness:
But all anger and bitter feelings and railing.

NOT the old reverence for the authority of God:
But all fears born of our unworthy service apart from him.

Not the old gracious ministries that blessed mankind:
But the harsh words, the suspicious looks, the clenched hands, and unwilling feet.

NOT the old habits that keep us in the straight way:
But the new fashions that make us unmindful of those things which hold life together in the unity of good manners.

NOT the old friends who grow more beloved each year because their worth is better apprecited:
But the new associations made from mercenary motives.

Let all blessed old things stay, but let the clutter of our heads and hearts be removed, that new inspirations and new affections may come in to gladden our lives.

-James Mckinnon-

Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Wisdom Lord!

The Furnace is seeking God with everything we have. We as a body have decided to give God 21 days of prayer , fasting and giving. We are meeting at the ministry every night at 7pm and just letting God impart into us. It has already been a outpouring of restoration and a refilling. We have a great passion and desire to seek after God.

I have a great expectation! I have been studying the book of Proverbs. I am asking God to just pour out on me more wisdom and understanding. I have received a passion like never before to partner with the Holy Spirit. I am God’s beloved and I know that He delights in releasing the things I ask according to His will. I know I can not go wrong by asking for more wisdom and more understanding.

Many times I asked God for a heart to serve Him. I have asked God for a deeper revelation of who He is. I asked God for healing and restoration. I have asked God to help me be humble and follow instruction. I ask Him to bless my finances or bless my marriage and family. All that will come with more wisdom and understanding.

The first day I opened the book proverbs I begin to get a revelation on Solomon. You can read about Solomon in 1 Kings. The Lord appeared to Solomon during a dream and told him that he could ask for anything that he wanted and the Lord would release it. Before Solomom even made his request, I noted this about Solomon: He acknowledges the hand of God upon his life. He testifies to God of His goodness and faithfulness to his father David (who is noted to be a man after God’s own heart). He then acknowledges that he is not worthy and in the natural can not perform the task that God has trusted him with. He acknowledges his weakness, and that God still picked him.

It was out of full humility and honor for the Lord that he then ask for a discerning heart to govern the people and to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. God was pleased with Solomon’s request because Solomon's heart was in a lowly place. God released that Solomon's request and also riches and honor because He knew that Solomon could be trusted not to miss handle the riches.

If you keep reading about Solomon the word of God tells us that Solomon had a assignment to build the Lord’ temple. He was not skilled in the natural on how to do this. He asked for wisdom to rule God’s people and men and kingdoms were a blessing to him. They not only brought their natural subsrtances to assist him in building the temple but they sent skilled workers to help him build the temple. We all have a assignment in the Kingdom. Many us of look at the natural circumstances and we realize that we are young, we are unskilled, we have issues with sin and compromise. Like Solomon we must simply ask God for more wisdom and understanding. We must ask for the fear of the Lord to be our daily portion. If you noticed Solomon first recognized the hand of God upon his life and his family. The fear of Lord produces awe and reverence for the power of God operating in your life. The wisdom of God opens you up to receive instruction from your spiritual leader and the Holy Spirit. Wisdom and understanding produces discretion in your life. Wisdom saves you from the wickedness and lesser pleasures in the world. Wisdom will keep you from committing adultery against God and if you are married your spouse.

Wisdom causes you to trust the Lord and not lean on your on understanding. Wisdom can only come from the Father in heaven. You must start be acknowledging Him before you react to certain situations and people. If you acknowledge Him when sin and compromise knocks at the door, then it is easier to say "no" to those lesser pleasures.

“My son (daughter), preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble;….. when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet….. For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from beging snared.” Proverbs 3:21-26

Wherever you find yourself right now. You just have to petition the Father for more wisdom and understanding. It is through the wisdom of God and the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of understanding that will produce good fruit in your life. Lean not on your understanding any longer. Place all of your trust in the Lord and allow Him to direct you path!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Making War

This past weekend has been a launching pad for me! I was forced to face myself for real. Sometimes we get so caught up in the religious routine of being a leader, teaching, praying, and being in place at church that we forget that God is not concerned with our works. He is concern with the position of our hearts. For the past month I have felt so far from God. I was holding on to so much disappointment, resentment, hurt, and FEAR.

I was afraid of Mary getting out of control, I feared my marriage failing, I feared people and their opinion of me, I feared that I was ineffective in ministry, I feared that my leader really did not want me around, I feared the idea that my family did not understand me, I feared the expectations that everyone had of me, I feared failure. FEAR had become who I was. I did not realize how fear can come upon you so strong and cause you to walk in hatred, anger, and push you away from the people who really love you.

Over the past two months I have been crying out to God to break off all these things that were trying to kill me. I was in a place of explosion. I was feeling like no one around me really cared about me. I kept playing over in my mind every negative word that has ever been said to me. I was remembering the past and my promise that I would never allow a man to hurt me again. Fear birthed suspicion. Suspicion birthed jealousy and jealousy birthed a spirit of Cain.

Please realize that this all started off as hurt and the hurt turned into iniquity. That Iniquity turned into anger and frustration. The Frustration caused me to go into protection mode. Protection mode is another word for Fear. When you begin to walk in fear you are forfeiting your right to your inheritance.

2 Tim states “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (fear), but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

When I was operating in fear, I was not walking in love, power, and self-discipline. Some versions say "sound mind" and I was not walking in a "sound mind" and therefore my decisions were not sound. The moment that I started walking in fear and the love left and I lost contact with my savior.

1 John 4:8 “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

So God brought me to a place were I could not go any further than the place of repentance. So Saturday I found myself elevating my heart above my head. The spirit of fear had to die! God is allowing us to bring our heart to Him and he is allowing things to surface so that you can deal with the true position of Heart. God is not concerned with your works but He is concerned with you heart! Revival starts with conviction and Repentance. When you are convicted (not condemed) you know it’s nothing that you can do in your own strength. Remember that repentance brings blessing. I have a weight lifted off my shoulders. I not only confessed to the Father but the Father forced me to expose myself to everyone in leadership that morning. I allowed the light of truth to shine on the darkest places of my heart. That light exposed every lie that the enemy was trying to get me to believe. Now the enemy has no rights to my heart.

I urge you to let go and let God. I know you have heard that before. But we have to get to a place where we realize that we sin against no one else but God. When we are angry and hurt and disappointed , God is bigger. When someone lets us down, God is bigger, When we have expectations that are not met, God’s thought are higher! We have to stop letting words, issues, situations and people keep us from knowing God.

I leave you with this 2 Cor 13:3 (Message)“If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the sake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t have love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So no matter what I say, what I believe and what I do I’m BANKRUPT without love. “

Let the love of God invade you. It’s not your leader. It’s not your mother and father. It’s not your sister and brother. It’s not your friend or foe. It’s you standing in the need of prayer and in that place of humility you will be able to push through the hurt, pain, fear, anger, and disappointment. God is bigger and His love can not operate in you when you are full of iniquity and unforgiveness.

Let it Go and Grab a hold of God! It’s too much work trying to be the one in control. It’s too much work always finding fault in someone else. It’s too much work being selfish. The Word tells us to cast our burdens on Him because His burden is light. Cast down every vain imagination that exalts itself higher than God. Get your mind steadfast on the Father and He will keep you in perfect peace. In all things acknowledge God and He will direct your path. WWJD …… He would draw the line in the sand and say to you cast the first stone.

I urge you to enter in 2010 baggage free! It’s some people that you need to forgive for real. It’s some repentance that you need to do. It’s some things that we have to give up and PRIDE is one of them! God is not the author of confusion and where there is division and confusion that is not God. That is the enemy.

I know this post is long but God just wants us to draw close to Him. He wants us to know Him and without true Love we do not know Him. I got to know Him! How about you?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Repentance Brings Blessing

God has been faithful! His faithfulness has not depended on our ability to get everything right. He has shown us His grace and mercy even when we did not deserve it. We have taken His grace for granted. God is giving us the opportunity to get it right! Repent, Dust yourself off and begin to fight the good fight of faith.

Get back in the game people! Return to the Lord although you have falling by your iniquity. (Hosea 14) We have been driven away by our own sinful desires. There is no temptation that can come upon us that is not common to man. That means that the temptation that we face is common in this age, but we can only be tempted by what we desire. My Pastor always says for most people (normal people) you can not give them a little 5 year old and say rape them. That is sick! We would kill the person who tried to get us to do it. So when you are tempted, it's because in your heart you desire that sin.

God is saying "open up the doors of your heart and allow Me to come and purify you." Allow God to bless you. You have to embrace the GREATER pleasures of serving the Father. It's time to set aside the weight of sin and take hold of the Father's grace and tender kindness. His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

Turn to the Lord with all your heart with fasting, weeping and mourning. Give Him your heart and not your works, not your good idea, not your opinions, and not your lip service. He desires your heart. Give him your heart and He will be gracious to you. When you return to the Lord you will experience his mercy. (Joel 2)

There is a blessing in repenting.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dear Beloved

Good morning my beloved! I saw you when you woke this morning. I smiled with expectation because I have so many blessings lined up you for on today. You met me this morning in that secret place and I was able to make love to you there. We laughed and we cried. You shared with me your deepest concerns, and I touched you and that concern went away. I love it when you let me into the deep places of your heart. I love it when just rest in my arms.

As I kissed you today I released endurance to stand against your enemy. As I held your hands I released healing and prosperity. As I rubbed your head I released a peace and I washed away the memories of yesterday. As I massaged your back I released strength to stand. As I rubbed your feet I anointed them with oil and I released the ability to run your race.
I have need of you today... so go and do not forget my touch.. do not forget my embrace.. think on it and it will help you today. There is another than longs to be your lover, but his love is temporary and my love is forever!

Friday, September 11, 2009


The word tell us that Jesus Christ came and died so that we may have life and have it MORE abundantly. I speak to the nation to LIVE!

We must embrace the word of God and allow the word to be the final say. We do not live by bread alone but by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of the Father. (That is the word of God)

So I encourage you to get up this morning arm yourself with the word and go on living. DO not be distracted, do not worry, do not be dismayed BUT have a renewed and steadfast spirit. Believe that God is not like man. His thoughts are not like our thoughts, His ways are soooo not like our ways. What you did on yesterday is gone! Today is a new day. Humble yourself before the throne of God and know that the Beloved desires you to come unto Him. Come to Him undone so that you can see and KNOW His hand in your life!

He is breaking the strongholds.. He is the hope to the hopeless… He is healing…. He is redeeming.. He pouring His love upon you.. He is holding you tight underneath His wings.
Ez 16:6 --- Then (Jesus) passed by you and saw you kicking about your blood, and as you lay there in your blood (He) said to you, “Live!”

He is your beloved…He has need of you… Your name is in engraved in the palm of His hand… Nothing can pluck you out of His hand… Nothing can separate you from the love of Abba Father… He has set His heart on you…..You have His attention.. You will LIVE and not die!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where are you?

"To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to pluck up that which was planted; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to mourn, and a time to dance, a time to cast away stones, a and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend; a time to sew; a time to keep silence, a time to speak; a time to love; and a time to hate; a time of war; and a time of peace." Ecc 3:1-8

It's Season for everything! Where do you find yourself and do you trust God to see you in that season and bring you out.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I am sitting at IHOP the International House of Prayer in Kansas City with my hubby. We are on our honeymoon. We have been here for three days. God has really been speaking to me concerning embracing the NEW and letting go of all the things of the past. Restoration is what I keep hearing. God has shifted many of us to a new place but enemy tries to remind us of the past so that we can not see the new shift that has taken place.

God is saying that I have given you beauty for ashes. That old is gone and behold I have done a new thing. The Promise of Restoration is what God is releasing NOW!

Jer 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know"

Call on the Lord in this season and He will answer you and show you things that you do not know. He will pull out gifts in you that you did not even know existed. He will pull out of you the deep desires of your heart that you had forgotten about. The desires of your heart that life tried to wipe out are the desires that He is bringing back. DREAM again! There are promises in your life that have not yet been fulfilled. Cling to the promises of the Lord and do not let go until every promise is fulfilled. Remember that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord!

Someone thought you were dead. Someone saw dead bones but God saw you as a member of His last day army! ARISE and walk out the promises of the Lord.

Lift your hands now and cry out "JESUS be gloried in my life. I turn to you oh Lord! Here is my life and it belongs to you. I surrender Lord. My desire is to please you in all that I do. When people look at me let them see you. Let your word run in my life and let it run swiftly, let your word be gloried in my life. Lord I turn my eyes to you and I praise you for your mercy. Thank you Lord for coming to me while I was dead in my transgressions and you gave me new life. Your mercy endures forever. Thank you Father for calling me out. Thank you for showing me my destiny. YES Lord.. My heart and my soul says YES LORD! Continue to reveal yourself to me."

In Jesus Name AMEN!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's Worth It!

WOW! I just wanted to share with everyone the faithfulness of my daddy.

In 2003 I gave my life, my mind and my body to the Father. I did not know everything but I knew that my life was headed down hill. Since January of 2004 I made a vow to the Father that the next man I have sex with would be my husband. I then took my vow to another level. I said to my daddy, "I do not even want to waste time dating". That was in 2004. Now I am 23 days and counting from becoming Mrs. Ian "Joshua" Walker. These 6 years have not always been easy. I have cried myself to sleep at night. I have kicked and screamed. I have tried to walk away but I kept finding myself back at the altar. I now realize that it is WORTH IT!

People pray for houses and cars and material things. When I got saved I knew that I did not want my daughter to ever experience "uncle so & so" or "mommy friend #1 and #2 and #3 and #4". My prayer was God I want to be married by the time I am 30 and I want Him to be a man that loves you more than he loves me. I prayed Lord let him love Mary like his own. Let her be able to look at him and see a man of God and never want to settle for less. I prayed that when I got married my house would be a place of worship. Let me tell you God gave me what I needed and more! Joshua is God sent. He is the man that God fashioned for me! He is my friend and I can not wait until August 15 when I trade in the disappointments of relationships for my promise.
On last night Pastor preached a message titled "Make Room for Your Blessing". I encourage every woman and man to prepare yourself today for what God wants to do in your life. I did not realize what I was making room for in 2003 when I walked away from a life of sin. I did not realize that when I changed my number and I turned away from friends, what I was making room for. I did not realize that when I gave up dating and sex that I was preparing for my King. YES there was and is still more preparation but please understand that the word tells us that God is able and will do MORE than we can ever imagine.

Close your eyes right now...... Imagine what you want for your life.... Imagine your marriage... Imagine your home... Imagine your children... Imagine your ministry... Imagine God using you to touch the nation... Now open you eyes and know that GOD can DO EVEN MORE THAN WHAT YOU JUST IMAGINED!

God is blessing those that have prepared themselves to receive. Start preparing yourself today for your destiny. FAITH without WORKS is DEAD! Whatever you are believing God for prepare yourself for it!

1 Chron 4:10 - Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.

Jebez just did not ask God to enlarge his territory. He knew that he needed to be able to handle larger territory, so he asked for God's hand to be with him and keep him from pain. You are not alone in this NEW place. Allow God to have His hand on you so that He can process you and prepare you to walk into larger territory.

Today in this hour God is releasing new territory! Territory is your right mind, your finances, your purity, your hope and dreams, your health, your marriage, your children, your home, your car, your peace, or your ability to endure. God is saying whatever you need from Him begin to prepare yourself to receive it. Make ROOM for God to BLESS you!

Please continue to pray for me as I MAKE ROOM for God to enlarge my territory with MARRIAGE, and with my DAUGHTER, with the FURNACE, with GUTS and most importantly with WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING because it is my desire to KNOW HIM BETTER!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

His Love is Piercing the Wire:

“Every tear, sign, and inkling of your heart towards Him brought you to this Day. It all counts for eternity. You did what you knew to do. Now He will do what only He is able. His love is like a shoreless ocean. The ebb and flow of His love carried you until you were picked up in His arms. The boundaries set by your own thoughts, and the opinions of others, will be washed away as you are held in the reality of His arms.”

Quoted from Longing For You, The journey from Intercession to Intimacy by DL Cossu

Romans 8:28- “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.”

Daddy wants to come in and break the wire around your heart. Life has happened and people have mishandled you. Believe me it was all in God’s plan before you were born.

Gal 1:15 “….God who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace….”

God has called us by name and has set us apart. He takes pleasure in blessing you. He takes pleasure in holding you. He takes pleasure in fighting your battles for you. He takes pleasure in your weak moments because He is able to be strong. He takes pleasure in justifying you, redeeming you, healing you, delivering you!

Let Him in. Let a love invasion begin NOW! You really have a heart of GOLD! It’s shining through the hurt. It’s shining through the pain. It’s shining through the rejection. It’s shining through the sexual immorality. It’s shining through the hate. ALL things are working together for your good.

The wire around our heart is not only keeping us from being able to give and receive love but it is blocking us from receiving Daddy’s love for us.

Jesus tells us in John 15:9 & 16 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. NOW remain in my love…… You did not choose me but I chose you …”

It’s time to remain. It’s time to rest in the Father’s love. HE CHOSE YOU! Ask God to reveal to you the way He sees you! He will cut the wire away and you will see what He sees. He sees that your heart is pure GOLD! NOW is the time for Him to do what ONLY He is able! OPEN UP and Let His love wrap around you and draw you closer to Him.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is it Worth It Really?

The wages of sin is DEATH!

For the past two weeks it has been so heavy on me to intercede for our youth. From the day we got the news of the high school senior getting killed in the car accident; to getting the news of a young man shot in a near by neighborhood; to traveling to Greensboro to touch and agree with my brother Pastor E; to the very next day getting the news about one of my little brothers had been arrested on murder charges; to looking at face book today and seeing one of my little sisters partying her weekend away; to looking at my daughter and asking Lord what does life have in store for her; to looking in the mirror and saying Tiffany what next?

I keep asking myself is it worth it? Its like the more these girls hear present your body as a living sacrifice to God the more they present themselves to the devil. I keep seeing them settle for less. Then here comes the tears AGAIN! Here comes the Disappointment AGAIN! Here comes the "I think I'm pregnant AGAIN! Here comes the STD AGAIN! Here comes the I want to serve God then the next week a new boyfriend.

Come on! WAKE UP PLEASE! It's time to wage war. The enemy is playing for keeps and it's time for the people to make a choice. Which side will you be on. IT'S WAR TIME! Will you suit of for the Kingdom of light or will you suit for the kingdom of darkness.

The enemy has no new tricks. HE IS LYING TO YOU PEOPLE! You are giving up everything for these little thrills of the flesh! WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!

Romans 6:11-"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12- Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires"

We are all made of the flesh. The same way that the enemy tricked Eve into giving up her "good life", he is enticing our youth. Everything that looks good & everything that feels good to the flesh is not good for the spirit. The wages that you will pay are much higher than the temporary pleasures of getting high, having sex, going to that party, drinking that beer. Now that we have come into the knowledge of who Jesus is we must count ourselves DEAD to sin. That means that the things of the world no longer moves us. We are new and old things have pasted away!

Gal 5: 16 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." What would happen if we really were led by the spirit and asked ourselves "what would the holy spirit have us to do."

Jesus knows everything that you are going through- Heb 4:15 " For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who had been tempted in every way, just as we are- YET HE DID NOT SIN!"

He has been there and did not do that. He endured the same temptation that you are facing but he did NOT GIVE IN! WE need to tap into a new source. What you need is not going to be found in this world. It's time to tap into the MOST HIGH.. JESUS.

The wages of sin is death. Ask yourself is it worth it!

Friday, May 15, 2009

You call me fake but God calls me FAITHFUL!

How quick do we yell “crucify”! “crucify”! When we see our brother or sister “falling short of the glory of the Lord” many times we are quick to yell “crucify” and we often forget the first part of the verse that states “WE all have sinned”.

I have heard the word Fake over the past couple weeks on several occasions. It really began to disgust me. I was getting disgusted with myself. I began to see how many times I yell “crucify”.

On this morning I was speaking with one of my closest friends. She was sharing with me her frustration with people not getting over her mistakes. As we were talking the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit “People call you Fake and I call you Faithful”. This young lady, like many young people in the body of Christ that are single, was struggling with loneliness. It the mist of her battle God was using her tremendously in her calling. People around her (including me) began to see her struggle, her disobedience, her lying, her lust and more. What some of us missed was the hand of God on her life.

The Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me- “Faithful!” Notice in this blog I will continually say WE! God smacked me this morning with this revelation! Do not get me wrong. There are hypocrites in the Body of Christ (people who heart is far from God) but I am not talking about those people. I am speaking of those people who fall short and run back to the altar crying out in repentance. God wants me to tell you He calls you FAITHFUL!

Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye”
We are so guilty of walking in un-forgiveness but yet we want mercy and grace shown to us. The word of God supports us correcting one another. He supports us going to our brother and sister to help them see when they are going the wrong way. The question you must ask yourself is when you see them falling short do you forget that you too have sinned. Do you go to them out of love or is it out of hate. Do you make it the topic of your conversations with others? Do you make it the latest joke? Are you seeking to help that person get delivered or are you causing division? Dress it up all we want to, but God is not pleased! We are walking around gossiping, lying, holding on to mess and God is saying I have moved on!

I say to everyone feeling like your past or even your present struggles are causing people to reject you, they may call you Fake but God is calling you FAITHFUL! Check your word out- Noah- drunk; Moses- disobedient; David- liar, adulterous, murderer. Did not God use all of them? Okay now check your mirror- Me- liar, doubt, lust, carnality, gossip, anger, etc. (What does your list look like)

You see I love the story of the prodigal son. After the son left home to do his own thing, he finally got tied of sleeping and eating with the pigs. He decided “I need to return to my Father’s house.” When he went back home, the brother looked at him with jealousy, strife, division, & bitterness in his heart. Many of people in the body of Christ are guilty of having a heart like the bother that never left home. Your brother or sister sins are out in the open and you see the father still using them. You see the hand of the Father still on their life and you allow your heart to grow cold. The Father is looking at that son and saying I am pleased because in the mist of your hang ups and sins you returned home! You returned to the altar.

SO I say to all those that sins are the topic at the lunch table, or sins are on the front page of the news but you are still keep finding yourself in the face of the Father repenting. Ignore your jealous, unforgiving, self-righteous brother or sister that is still yelling “Crucify”! Take these word to heart. PUSH AND FORGET THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND! Like Jesus they said “crucify” but God said Faithful. When it is all said and done allow yourself to be naked and unashamed. God is going to resurrect you out of the grave they dug for you! They call you Fake but the Lord calls you FAITHFUL ONE! In the mist of my mess you are still blessed. So tell your lover and haters a like…. Your opinion of me does not matter because when God is done with me….. GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note- Coming Soon - Forgiveness is the Key to your breakthrough!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lord You Are With Us!

I have always loved this poem. I share this with you because the Lord wants you know that He is walking with you. He has never left you. Your name is written in the palm of His hand. Rest in the comfort of knowing He called you, He ordained you, and He is keeping you!
Footprints in the Sand

What a comfort to know the footprints
in the sand are those of our Lord

as he carries us through our times of greatest need!
One night I had a dream—
I dreamed I was walking along the beach
with the Lord and across the sky
flashed scenes from my life, For each
scene, I noticed two sets of footprints
in the sand; one belonged to me, and
the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed
before me, I looked back at the footprints
in the sand. I noticed that many
times along the path of my life, there
was only one set of footprints. I also
noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life.
This really bothered me, and I questioned
the Lord about it…
"Lord, you said, that once I decided to
follow you, you would walk with me
all the way, but I have noticed that
during the most troublesome times in
my life there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why in times when I needed you most,
you should leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious
child, I love you and I would never,
never leave you during your times of
trial and suffering."
"When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If you have a ear hear!

When I speak, will you hear? Many times the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, but we are not able to hear. We have to be open. We have to be in tune to the Holy Spirit when He speaks to us. We have to stay free of all the nonsense around us!

Keep your mind and heart toward heaven. The Lord wants to download information to you and He can not do it if your hard drive is full. Get rid of the junk and open up so that you hear from the Lord.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Your Intercession is God's womb:

If you don’t do it then it won’t get done!
That is what I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me. As I was sitting in Prayer the Holy Spirit had me searching the books of Psalm. I began to read Ps 139. I just began to cry out to the Father in Thanksgiving! It was so much confirmation to one of my brother’s blog. He shared a revelation he received about God wanting to be intimate with us (go to

I was thinking about that this morning and the Holy Spirit said “I do want to talk to you more. There are things that only you can do in the earth realm for me and I need to know I can trust you. I need to know that you will follow my instruction.” It was an “Okay God" moment for me. I am reading this book titled The Happy Intercessor by Beni Johnson. She explains that our intercession is the womb that God uses to birth His will into the earth.

It is through intercession that we spend quality time with God. The word often compares God and His church to the relationship of a bride and the groom.In the COVENANT of marriage a husband and wife have sex and become intimate with one another. As a result of this intimacy, children are conceived. And thus we have walking bodies on the earth that were conceived from that time of intimacy. Yes I had a WOW moment! God wants to be intimate with us so that we can receive and give birth to his purpose in the earth.

I often say In-ti-ma-cy is "In-to-me-you-see". God wants to see into us:
Ps 139- “You have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar…… You are familiar with my ways .”

God wants to get intimate with you. He needs us to intercede and pray so that He can release dreams, vision, businesses, & movements to you. You have the womb and God wants you to give birth in this season. This generation needs men and women that will be intercessors. Those that will carry His next move in their bellies and birth it! There are things that only you can do. There are souls that only your words will set them free. There are young girls and boys waiting to hear from you.

Are you ready for this? If you don’t do it then it want get done!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Lamp on a Stand

"If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Pastor Sherry asked, “what are you hearing when you read Mark 4:21-23.”
Mark 4: 21-22- He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? 22- For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.”

When I received the text, I begin to look around my bedroom. The room was dark with a little light from my bedroom window. At that time I was making up the bed with that light from the window. Afterward I walked over and turned on the lamp. I look at the bed and it was a big lump in the middle of the bed. I did not see that lump with the small light from the window but the lamp lit up the room and it revealed the lump in the bed.
I thought “a lamp exposes and brings revelation”. The amplified version of this passage reads:
22[[b]Things are hidden temporarily only as a means to revelation.] For there is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything [temporarily] kept secret except in order that it may be made known.
We must search to walk in the light of the word. Revelation will come when we walk in the light of the word. Things that were hidden from us will be revealed. The mysteries will be opened up to us because we are looking at it with clarity instead under a dim light.
This reminds me of renewing the mind. When we operated in the flesh our minds were viewing life with the light being under the bowl of sin. Once we came into the “light”, things that were hidden from our natural eyes were no longer hidden. The “lumps” in our life could be seen. We began to walk in wisdom and revelation. In return we began to understand and know Jesus more!

My ears hear- Lord give me wisdom and revelation to know you better. Let the light of your word shine so that all that has been concealed and hidden may be brought out into open and disclosed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


God is Raising up a GENERATION now! God is raising up blazing ones.

Matthew 24:12-13 states that "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who ENDURES to the end shall be saved"

Has your heart grew cold with religion and sin? Have you become so comfortable in your sin and lawlessness that you no longer house the love of God. Have you been so comfortable going back to the vomit of sin and yet calling yourself a Christian. ALERT! Your heart is growing COLD!

When I think of a cold heart, I think of DEATH! The wages of sin is death. Some people are the walking dead and just wearing a toe tag that label them a Christian. God is not mocked and He is a man that can not lie! He is coming back for those that endure. He is coming back for those that are on FIRE with his LOVE! ARISE DRY BONES and live.

Can these dead and cold bones (hearts) live. The Spirit of the Lord says YES! ARISE!

ARISE generation with GUTS to stand against the persecution, lies, rebellion, and torment. No matter where the torment is coming from, (friends, families, or enemies) the Lord is answering with a great thunder from heaven and He is overturning some stuff. He is shaking the rebellion in the land and what is righteous will be left standing.

SO I release a CRY to the generation to ARISE! DRY BONES & LIVE! Jer 1:17- Therefore prepare yourself and ARISE and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them... vs. 10 - See, I have set you over the nations and over the kingdom, TO root out and TO pull down, TO destroy and TO throw down, TO build and TO plant.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wake UP!

Revelations 3:2 - WAKE UP! and strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.

This week I have been at IHOP, The international House of Prayer. It was no big conference it was just worship and sitting in the presence of the Father. It was a time of hearing what the Lord is speaking to us! I just hear WAKE UP and strengthen what remains. Our work is unfinished. We have been in the church. We have gone through the motions. We have song on the worship team. We have been in the morning prayers. God is still speaking that our work is unfinished! The God of host is ready to open up the heavens and pour out his blessings upon us! We are in a moment of time that we must be able to hear God and obey! We must be able to be able to get in line with the Father and carry His gospel without doubt and sin! The weight of sin is what is keeping us from moving into the move of God! God is speaking so clearly! WAKE UP! We are in this world but not of the world! We are just passing through this life but we answer to a higher calling! What are you doing now that the Lord is saying LET IT GO! Revelation 3:15 tells us that He knows our deeds, that we are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! --- Which way will you GO!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The cry of the unborn!

Why are women really choosing abortion? The next time you argue pro- choice know your facts!
Reasons for choosing Abortion:
1% victims of incest or rape
1% fetal abnormalities
4% doctor advised against carrying to term due to health
50% didn't want to be SINGLE PARENT, or PROBLEMS in current RELATIONSHIP
66% could not AFFORD a child
75% A child would INTERFERE with THEIR lives

You do the math. God deals with human beings as creatures made in His image and determines HIS plan for them before they are born! (Gen 25:23; Jer 1:4-5; Is 49:1-2,5; Gal 1:15)

You are His Handiwork!

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. Give her everything she deserves! (Proverbs 31:31 Message)

I was sitting and just thinking about how we place so much time and effort on the way we look. How many times have you allowed someone else to place you on bondage because they say something about you weight, your hair, or your clothes? In a split second our lives can change. We could die or we could have a accident and never walk or see again. It would not matter at that point how skinny or fat you are. It would not matter how your hair is fixed. At that point the only thing that matters is your relationship with Jesus Christ. We get it twisted so often. What happens when you are so consumed with your image and your beauty that you leave the creator of your body out of the picture? God is not going to say well done my good and faithful servant because you looked good. He is not going to say depart from me because of your fat legs, fat gut, fat arms, skinny legs, big head, or stone feet. The word of God reminds us that we are His handiwork! It’s not your beauty or lack of it that He is after. It’s your heart that Jesus is after. Fear the Lord and nothing else matters.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He holds you in His HANDS!

The Lord is waiting with open hands to catch you.

Break loose of the prison chains and trust the Father to be God!

Many times we make so many excuses but all we have to do is fall into the hands of the Lord.

His hands are big enough to hold the whole world so what are our issues to him. He is bigger than the situation. He is bigger than that relationship. He is bigger than the hurt. He is bigger than that drug addiction. He is bigger than the parents that do not care. He is GOD! FALL into His HANDS.

Say Something!

We traveled to Virginia Beach for Throne Zone 2009. We had been saying Throne Zone or Bust for two weeks! Well the experience was mind blowing.

Thursday Night- The message was by Dr. Joseph Garlington.

Open Your Mouth and say something!

Remember your comprehension is not a prerequisite to your cooperation. You don’t have to understand the way God moves just place yourself on the position to experience the move of God. Cooperate with the Father by simply speak to the situation and decree what you want to happen. When we are worshipping God we must learn how to open our mouths and speak.

A WOW Moment- Have you ever thought about how the mind works. The left side of the brain is very logical. Left side of brain tends to go on facts. It hinders you from looking beyond the natural facts. But you right side of the brain has the capacity to overturn the left side of the brain. The right side is your creative side. You can sing yourself into freedom. You can overcome by simply opening your mouth and placing a decree into a song and you mind automatically begins to change towards the positive vs. what your logic is telling you.

God is waiting for you just give Him something to work with. He is waiting for you open your mouth up and decree what you need done. When you decree something you are saying something and God is agreeing with what you say.

To decree means to settle an issue without any doubt about it. IT’S TIME TO SAY SOMETHING!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Breaking out of PRISON

The worst prison that you can be in is the one in your own mind. Many of you may have different “Personal Prisons”. I am here to tell you that your freedom is here! The word of God says that we overcome by the word of our testimony. I share a personal testimony to the ladies dealing with rejection-
On Saturday January 31 I turned 27 years old. On a day that I should have been just excited about a new year, I was hit with a harsh reality. The reality is “what will the next years really be like if you are not free in your own mind.”

My prison is REJECTION! I began my day with acts of Love. I went and passed out gloves, scarves, and a “love note” from Heaven to the homeless community. That should of pushed me to be more grateful. I then went and prayed with a young girl from the church that has a decease that can kill her. I should have been even more grateful.
After all that by 6:00pm on my birthday I felt a huge weight of disappointment. It was not because of gifts- I actually got what I wanted. I was frustrated, I was hurt, I was feeling like what happen to nice cards with a love note from the "hubby". I wanted to spend personal time with my future "hubby". I wanted my parents to call me earlier. I wanted to be worshipped on that day. Let's be honest our minds have been trained that on my birthday people should give ME, tell ME, spend time with ME, give ME a gift this way, Wrap MY gift this way. Spend money on ME this way. We take the year that God has blessed us with and make it as if it's all about us instead of being about the creator who created us.

I found myself feeling rejected and the weight of being unthankful was weighing me down. It was a lot going on. I began to express to the Father. It’s not about the gift. It’s about I wanted a genuine hug. I wanted a genuine phone call to say I am happy you are in my life. I wanted at least a card to say the same. I began to beat myself up about being ungrateful. I began to say you don’t deserve anyone to go out of their way to say they love you.

In reality I was locking myself into a prison. I began to try to protect myself from the hurt and fear. It was a harsh reality that God’s gift of life seemed belittled by a man’s lack of words. I was placing people's love in the place that God’s love and peace should have been in.

For my birthday God was trying to give me a gift of FREEDOM by way of due process. He allowed me to see how selfish I am. Many people may not think I was expecting to much but for what God is doing in my life I cannot allow myself to place so high expectations on man that I forget that Jesus Christ is my best friend, my first husband, my mother and my father!

God did not want me to focus on the what did not take place that day. He wanted me to focus on the source of my strength, the breathe in my body, the fact that I am not in the hospital dying, the fact that I am not that homeless person needing gloves and blankets. I missed that because I locked myself into a prison called REJECTION!

By Monday it hit the surface. God spoke clearly to me in my prayer time. I have blessed you with 27 years and you will give me the next 27 days. He said I will bring you into 2- agreement with me and I will 7-complete the process I started in you in November. (that is my journey into the unknown but trusting the Father every step of the way)

Many times it’s easy to blame the depression and oppression and the feeling of being rejected on the people around us. It’s easy to say my spouse did this or that. It’s easy to say that my children do not do this or that. It’s easy to say that my parents did this to me or that. That is real easy to say, but God is saying do HARD THINGS! I wasted a whole day being concerned about why did FLESH not do something for me. It was God that gave me life 27 years ago. It is God that is keeping me together.

If you deal with rejection realize that prison you place yourself in shuts God out. You have to activate the power of God’s love in your life. If you be honest not thing is ever good enough for you because all you see is the prison walls and bars.

I’m coming out and I want the world to know! Rejection will never ruin another day for me! God processes us through different things so that we can see the need of HIS hand. We have to be completely dependent on the love of God and his word concerning us.

GUTS is not being afraid to expose your weaknesses so that others may see the hand of God. When you allow any prison to lock you up in your mind, you find yourself forgetting about God. You find yourself relying on man and not seeing the power of God. Refuse to be in any bondage in your mind. Believe the word of God and nothing can stop you. Don’t allow anything to still your worship and praise. Break out of depression and oppression. Allow God to be your first lover! Be determined to bring down that wall that keeps popping up in your mind. BE FREE TO BE YOU!