Monday, November 7, 2011

Who I am In Christ! A Purity Revolution!

The Love of the Father!

I am a PK- Preacher's Kid. I grew up in church all my life, I praise God for my upbringing, but I rejected God because I saw so much hypocrisy in church. It's not a good excuse now that I look back on it. The real issue was I learned how to do church, and I learned how to play the role but I never had a relationship with God.

I rebelled and turned to world. I found myself in sexual immorality. Sex was my drug of choice. Just like a crack head I did anything to have sex even when it meant compromising my identity. In Feb of 2002 I found out I was pregnant. After my daughter was born I slowed down for a while. After her father left, I got depressed and that lifestyle became my fall back. It was were I found comfort.But it did not last.

Hurt after Hurt and chasing my "baby daddy" wanting him to love me got old. I dealt with shame and guilt. This whole time I was living a totally different way by day. I was a college student, a dorm room RA, a leader on my campus and I was getting rewards for all my "great success". But the whole time I dying on the inside. ENOUGH was ENOUGH!

On September 23, 2003 I made up my mind to really give my life to Jesus. My daughter turned one years old that year. I vowed to God my body, my mind, and my heart. I took a vow of spiritual virginity. I asked God to restore me and to wash me of all my guilt and shame. I walked away from friends and I began to run after God with everything in me. I knew that the love I wanted could only come from the Father and the best dad for Mary would be Jesus.

But God’s plans are so much BIGGER. As I worked in the Kingdom and I set my eyes on the Father. I learned what real Love looked like. I learned what the word had to say about purity and righteousness. I made a vow that I would not date and I would wait until God sent me a Man of God. On September 26th, 2008 God said to me I will give you my love in the heart of Man that will love you as I love my church. He will show you the love that I have for you. I will give you a man that will be a father and Godly example for your daughter. I will give you a KING. On August 15th, 2009 God gave me my promise….. Ian “Joshua” Walker (who was a virgin!!!!!!!!!!)

It is nothing but the grace and mercy of God! The moment I released what I wanted to God and said nothing else matters if I don’t know you Lord … He released my blessing. God you are SOOOOOOO good.

I stand as a testimony of the Love of the Father! His love covers; His love washes; His love is fulfilling; His love never fails!

My desire is that Youth all over this nation will rise up and take a stand for Purity. My ministry is birthed from a place of restoration. I like to say that I am the Woman at the well! He filled my thirst with a greater Love. Then became the woman that poured her alabaster box at His feet! I gave him my all and His reward was greater than I could ever imagine.

That is why I host Purity Camps. On December 3rd, 2011 I will be hosting Purity Camp 2011 at the Furnace 309 Holman Drive in Garner, NC.

The theme this year is "RIOT - A Purity Revolution". Our youth are being pulled away from God by the temptations in the world. Purity Camp is a time to gather and encourage our youth to turn away from the world & keep their affections towards Jesus.

This event is for youth and young adults ages 15-25(College Students above 25-30 welcome). It will be a day full of deliverance and freedom for the youth involved.

Click above on the Flyer and Register Today!

1 comment:

Nicole said...


I just came across your blog in a very old email. I've read it before but reading it again just now reminded me of how awesome and FAITHFUL God is.

I'm so thankful for what God is doing in you. Though we haven't seen each other or spoken in a long time, you are never far from my heart. I think of you more than you know. Can't wait to see all that God does in and through you and yours over the years!!!