The wages of sin is DEATH!
For the past two weeks it has been so heavy on me to intercede for our youth. From the day we got the news of the high school senior getting killed in the car accident; to getting the news of a young man shot in a near by neighborhood; to traveling to Greensboro to touch and agree with my brother Pastor E; to the very next day getting the news about one of my little brothers had been arrested on murder charges; to looking at face book today and seeing one of my little sisters partying her weekend away; to looking at my daughter and asking Lord what does life have in store for her; to looking in the mirror and saying Tiffany what next?
I keep asking myself is it worth it? Its like the more these girls hear present your body as a living sacrifice to God the more they present themselves to the devil. I keep seeing them settle for less. Then here comes the tears AGAIN! Here comes the Disappointment AGAIN! Here comes the "I think I'm pregnant AGAIN! Here comes the STD AGAIN! Here comes the I want to serve God then the next week a new boyfriend.
Come on! WAKE UP PLEASE! It's time to wage war. The enemy is playing for keeps and it's time for the people to make a choice. Which side will you be on. IT'S WAR TIME! Will you suit of for the Kingdom of light or will you suit for the kingdom of darkness.
The enemy has no new tricks. HE IS LYING TO YOU PEOPLE! You are giving up everything for these little thrills of the flesh! WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!
Romans 6:11-"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12- Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires"
We are all made of the flesh. The same way that the enemy tricked Eve into giving up her "good life", he is enticing our youth. Everything that looks good & everything that feels good to the flesh is not good for the spirit. The wages that you will pay are much higher than the temporary pleasures of getting high, having sex, going to that party, drinking that beer. Now that we have come into the knowledge of who Jesus is we must count ourselves DEAD to sin. That means that the things of the world no longer moves us. We are new and old things have pasted away!
Gal 5: 16 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." What would happen if we really were led by the spirit and asked ourselves "what would the holy spirit have us to do."
Jesus knows everything that you are going through- Heb 4:15 " For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who had been tempted in every way, just as we are- YET HE DID NOT SIN!"
He has been there and did not do that. He endured the same temptation that you are facing but he did NOT GIVE IN! WE need to tap into a new source. What you need is not going to be found in this world. It's time to tap into the MOST HIGH.. JESUS.
The wages of sin is death. Ask yourself is it worth it!
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