I have heard the word Fake over the past couple weeks on several occasions. It really began to disgust me. I was getting disgusted with myself. I began to see how many times I yell “crucify”.
On this morning I was speaking with one of my closest friends. She was sharing with me her frustration with people not getting over her mistakes. As we were talking the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit “People call you Fake and I call you Faithful”. This young lady, like many young people in the body of Christ that are single, was struggling with loneliness. It the mist of her battle God was using her tremendously in her calling. People around her (including me) began to see her struggle, her disobedience, her lying, her lust and more. What some of us missed was the hand of God on her life.
The Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me- “Faithful!” Notice in this blog I will continually say WE! God smacked me this morning with this revelation! Do not get me wrong. There are hypocrites in the Body of Christ (people who heart is far from God) but I am not talking about those people. I am speaking of those people who fall short and run back to the altar crying out in repentance. God wants me to tell you He calls you FAITHFUL!
Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye”
We are so guilty of walking in un-forgiveness but yet we want mercy and grace shown to us. The word of God supports us correcting one another. He supports us going to our brother and sister to help them see when they are going the wrong way. The question you must ask yourself is when you see them falling short do you forget that you too have sinned. Do you go to them out of love or is it out of hate. Do you make it the topic of your conversations with others? Do you make it the latest joke? Are you seeking to help that person get delivered or are you causing division? Dress it up all we want to, but God is not pleased! We are walking around gossiping, lying, holding on to mess and God is saying I have moved on!
I say to everyone feeling like your past or even your present struggles are causing people to reject you, they may call you Fake but God is calling you FAITHFUL! Check your word out- Noah- drunk; Moses- disobedient; David- liar, adulterous, murderer. Did not God use all of them? Okay now check your mirror- Me- liar, doubt, lust, carnality, gossip, anger, etc. (What does your list look like)
You see I love the story of the prodigal son. After the son left home to do his own thing, he finally got tied of sleeping and eating with the pigs. He decided “I need to return to my Father’s house.” When he went back home, the brother looked at him with jealousy, strife, division, & bitterness in his heart. Many of people in the body of Christ are guilty of having a heart like the bother that never left home. Your brother or sister sins are out in the open and you see the father still using them. You see the hand of the Father still on their life and you allow your heart to grow cold. The Father is looking at that son and saying I am pleased because in the mist of your hang ups and sins you returned home! You returned to the altar.
SO I say to all those that sins are the topic at the lunch table, or sins are on the front page of the news but you are still keep finding yourself in the face of the Father repenting. Ignore your jealous, unforgiving, self-righteous brother or sister that is still yelling “Crucify”! Take these word to heart. PUSH AND FORGET THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND! Like Jesus they said “crucify” but God said Faithful. When it is all said and done allow yourself to be naked and unashamed. God is going to resurrect you out of the grave they dug for you! They call you Fake but the Lord calls you FAITHFUL ONE! In the mist of my mess you are still blessed. So tell your lover and haters a like…. Your opinion of me does not matter because when God is done with me….. GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Note- Coming Soon - Forgiveness is the Key to your breakthrough!
Every time I read this it causes me to cry and cry out to god. You can see the brokeness in your words that will help free a generation and destroy the kingdom of darkness. The many lives that will be saved and the many people who will return home becuase of your words will be outstanding. Keep giving it to US! And continue to do HARD THINGS. I love you
Woman of God what a post! The irony is that I am/have been both the prodical and like the son who never left home. I've been the one whose left home, to become the topic of conversation and the one who has been bitter towards the person who left that God STILL chose to use. It is crazy how quickly we go from "loving" people to forming judgements about them and jumping on the bandwagon when someone else via joke or gossip has an opinion about them. I pray you continue to live this! What a awesome place to be! Free to pray for, minister to, exort, correct and edify your brother/sister with a pure heart! Seeing the sin but KNOWING the God whom we serve is so much bigger! Knowing He is a healer and deliver. Please continue to allow God to use you! And let us (starting with me) not be afraid to apologize to and embrace a brother/sister who we know we've wronged in this way. It is often the beginning of healing. God bless!
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