I have a great expectation! I have been studying the book of Proverbs. I am asking God to just pour out on me more wisdom and understanding. I have received a passion like never before to partner with the Holy Spirit. I am God’s beloved and I know that He delights in releasing the things I ask according to His will. I know I can not go wrong by asking for more wisdom and more understanding.
Many times I asked God for a heart to serve Him. I have asked God for a deeper revelation of who He is. I asked God for healing and restoration. I have asked God to help me be humble and follow instruction. I ask Him to bless my finances or bless my marriage and family. All that will come with more wisdom and understanding.
The first day I opened the book proverbs I begin to get a revelation on Solomon. You can read about Solomon in 1 Kings. The Lord appeared to Solomon during a dream and told him that he could ask for anything that he wanted and the Lord would release it. Before Solomom even made his request, I noted this about Solomon: He acknowledges the hand of God upon his life. He testifies to God of His goodness and faithfulness to his father David (who is noted to be a man after God’s own heart). He then acknowledges that he is not worthy and in the natural can not perform the task that God has trusted him with. He acknowledges his weakness, and that God still picked him.
It was out of full humility and honor for the Lord that he then ask for a discerning heart to govern the people and to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. God was pleased with Solomon’s request because Solomon's heart was in a lowly place. God released that Solomon's request and also riches and honor because He knew that Solomon could be trusted not to miss handle the riches.
If you keep reading about Solomon the word of God tells us that Solomon had a assignment to build the Lord’ temple. He was not skilled in the natural on how to do this. He asked for wisdom to rule God’s people and men and kingdoms were a blessing to him. They not only brought their natural subsrtances to assist him in building the temple but they sent skilled workers to help him build the temple. We all have a assignment in the Kingdom. Many us of look at the natural circumstances and we realize that we are young, we are unskilled, we have issues with sin and compromise. Like Solomon we must simply ask God for more wisdom and understanding. We must ask for the fear of the Lord to be our daily portion. If you noticed Solomon first recognized the hand of God upon his life and his family. The fear of Lord produces awe and reverence for the power of God operating in your life. The wisdom of God opens you up to receive instruction from your spiritual leader and the Holy Spirit. Wisdom and understanding produces discretion in your life. Wisdom saves you from the wickedness and lesser pleasures in the world. Wisdom will keep you from committing adultery against God and if you are married your spouse.
Wisdom causes you to trust the Lord and not lean on your on understanding. Wisdom can only come from the Father in heaven. You must start be acknowledging Him before you react to certain situations and people. If you acknowledge Him when sin and compromise knocks at the door, then it is easier to say "no" to those lesser pleasures.
“My son (daughter), preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble;….. when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet….. For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from beging snared.” Proverbs 3:21-26
Wherever you find yourself right now. You just have to petition the Father for more wisdom and understanding. It is through the wisdom of God and the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of understanding that will produce good fruit in your life. Lean not on your understanding any longer. Place all of your trust in the Lord and allow Him to direct you path!
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