This is the time of the year when everyone is starting to make plans for 2011.
They are thinking about VISION. It’s a time were we are reflecting back over this year and saying what have we done with the gifts and talents that the Lord has given us? What have we done to bless others around us? What have we done to let someone know about Jesus? What have we done to advance the Kingdom of God right here in the earth? What have we done to change a generation? What have we done that really will last? What have we invested our time into and what has the return been?
2 Timothy 4:7-9 (Amplified)
I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith. [As to what remains] henceforth there is laid up for me the [victor’s] crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me and recompense me on that [great] day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return).
Say it with me “Only What I do for Christ will last!” God is looking for a generation to rise up and walk out the plans and purpose He set before them. God has a desired target that He intends for us to hit (Jer 29:11).

The only thing keeping you from hitting that target is yourself. You do not want to get to God FULL of dreams and FULL of Vision. You want to live a poured out life. Do not waste you life doing nothing. Waste you life wasting your life out for Christ.
In the “parable of the talents” (Matt 25:14-19) we get an idea of what God expects us to do here on the earth. All of us have been giving gifts and talents. It’s not how talented or not talented you are but it’s about what are you doing with what God has entrusted you with. Will God speak to you and say “well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things….Come share your master’s happiness!” Or will you hear “You wicked, lazy servant!”
Young and Old, it’s time to rule and walk in dominion NOW!

The book of proverbs tells us to take a lesson from the Ant (Prov. 6:6-11). In the message version it says, “You lazy fool, look at an ant…let it teach you a thing or two.” It’s time that we activate the gifts and talents that the Lord has entrusted to us.
Activate you dreams and visions. STOP BEING LAZY and MAKING EXCUSES and let’s do it in 2011. Think BIGGER than you. REMEMBER only what you do for Christ will last. When your life is ending, what will you regret not doing, seeing, or achieving? WRITE THE VISION AND MAKE IT PLAIN! Seek God and the counsel of the wise and do what God has called you to do.
Keep in mind true visions and dreams from God are never selfish. If your vision does not result in blessing others and others coming to Christ then it’s not from God. Also be willing to lay down what you think is a good idea for a GOD IDEA! (Ps 119:1) (Prov 14:12) (Ps 119:133) (Prov 14:15)
All creation is waiting for the true Sons and Daughters to stand up and take their rightful place and Heaven is waiting to back you up!!!!! Do it and do it BIG in 2011! For the GLORY OF THE LORD AND HIS GLORY ALONE!