Thursday, December 16, 2010
Think BIGGER than you... What you going to do with 2011
This is the time of the year when everyone is starting to make plans for 2011.
They are thinking about VISION. It’s a time were we are reflecting back over this year and saying what have we done with the gifts and talents that the Lord has given us? What have we done to bless others around us? What have we done to let someone know about Jesus? What have we done to advance the Kingdom of God right here in the earth? What have we done to change a generation? What have we done that really will last? What have we invested our time into and what has the return been?
2 Timothy 4:7-9 (Amplified)
I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith. [As to what remains] henceforth there is laid up for me the [victor’s] crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me and recompense me on that [great] day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return).
Say it with me “Only What I do for Christ will last!” God is looking for a generation to rise up and walk out the plans and purpose He set before them. God has a desired target that He intends for us to hit (Jer 29:11).
The only thing keeping you from hitting that target is yourself. You do not want to get to God FULL of dreams and FULL of Vision. You want to live a poured out life. Do not waste you life doing nothing. Waste you life wasting your life out for Christ.
In the “parable of the talents” (Matt 25:14-19) we get an idea of what God expects us to do here on the earth. All of us have been giving gifts and talents. It’s not how talented or not talented you are but it’s about what are you doing with what God has entrusted you with. Will God speak to you and say “well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things….Come share your master’s happiness!” Or will you hear “You wicked, lazy servant!”
Young and Old, it’s time to rule and walk in dominion NOW!
The book of proverbs tells us to take a lesson from the Ant (Prov. 6:6-11). In the message version it says, “You lazy fool, look at an ant…let it teach you a thing or two.” It’s time that we activate the gifts and talents that the Lord has entrusted to us.
Activate you dreams and visions. STOP BEING LAZY and MAKING EXCUSES and let’s do it in 2011. Think BIGGER than you. REMEMBER only what you do for Christ will last. When your life is ending, what will you regret not doing, seeing, or achieving? WRITE THE VISION AND MAKE IT PLAIN! Seek God and the counsel of the wise and do what God has called you to do.
Keep in mind true visions and dreams from God are never selfish. If your vision does not result in blessing others and others coming to Christ then it’s not from God. Also be willing to lay down what you think is a good idea for a GOD IDEA! (Ps 119:1) (Prov 14:12) (Ps 119:133) (Prov 14:15)
All creation is waiting for the true Sons and Daughters to stand up and take their rightful place and Heaven is waiting to back you up!!!!! Do it and do it BIG in 2011! For the GLORY OF THE LORD AND HIS GLORY ALONE!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Power of Knowing!
The power of knowing!
Knowing what? Knowing that you have been predestined by Abba Father himself.
Okay this blog has been on my heart for two weeks and I finally have the words to type.
Okay… About two week ago my back break light was out on my car. When I went to slow down the car behind me would not know I was stopped or slowing down. I had some near accidents. So, I went and got the light fixed. The next day my single light on that same side went out. I would have to turn on my caution lights to turn right because I did not have a back right turn signal. So I went and got it fixed. Then I was driving from South Carolina on last Saturday night. It was dark and the back roads did not have any street lights. I could not see in front of me. So I kept turning on my bright lights. I was getting mad because I could see. Well what I did not know was that one of my front headlights was out. So…. I went and got it fixed.
Now what does this have to do with anything? Now when I am driving people know when I am slowing down, when I turning. I am confident in changing lanes now because I am able to warn people that I am changing lanes because my signal light works. At night time I can see and other drivers can see me. The power of knowing keeps me from wrecking my car or killing myself or worst killing someone else!!!
So because I am all spiritual and stuff….LOL, I started thinking about how important signals are. It is impossible to drive around and avoid accidents if your lights on your car are not working. It is just as importance for my lights on my car to work as it is for us to know that God predestined us. It is almost impossible for us to go on living with purpose if we do not understand where God has called us to go. The power of knowing your purpose is that it will keep you from wrecking your life.
You are the vehicle that God wants to use to fulfill His purpose in the earth realm. He wants you to carry his word, his love and his heart.
Light check- “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matt 5:14
Vision Check- 2-3And then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. (Mess Hab 2:2-3)
Break check- 9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9
License check- 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
The power of Knowing- You are the light of the world. Write your vision and make it plain, stop living blinded and just allowing life to happen to you. Stop and Ask the lord for direction. And know that he going to direct you because he wants you to reach the destiny He has for you.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hate the World and Love GOD!
I’m sick and tired of young people (and old) dying while sitting right in the “church”. It is time for a generation of true believers to ARISE and SHINE!
Lukewarm Christianity has become the norm NOW. Our young people and the old alike attend “church” every Sunday like it’s just another social event and leave the “church” the same way they came in. I am releasing a cry for the REAL Believers to please stand up.
Believe me it’s not an issue of the Father loving you but I ask you this, “Do You REALLY LOVE HIM?” Don’t be so fast to answer this question with a yes. Let’s look at the Facts:
1 John 2:15-17- Do not love the world, nor the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. And the world is passing away, and also its lust; but the one who does the will of God abides forever.
What is your inner longing? Why do you go to church Sunday after Sunday, Prayer Meeting after Prayer Meeting, Crusade after Crusade, Youth Camp after Youth Camp but nothing has changed? Reality check, you do not really love God and you do not have a revelation of who Jesus is. I can say this because I’ve been there done that. I find myself even now saying God forgive me for getting so caught up in “church” sometimes that I miss serving you. The reason you find yourself playing the “church” game is because you do not believe that God’s way is better. You do not believe that His love is better than the love (lust) for another human being. You have not realized He did not die for you to go to “church”. He died so that you could become the church! He died so that you would not have to settle for less. You are a living sanctuary! You should come to” church” or a gathering place to draw strength from other believers to go right back out and be a light to a lost and dying world. But you come to church and worship God with your lips and your heart is far from Him (Matt 15:8-9). You serve your own gods and live in accordance to customs of the world (2 Kings 17:33). STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!
The word of God says be HOT or COLD! DO NOT KEEP PLAYING WITH GOD BECAUSE IT IS WORST TO CLAIM TO KNOW GOD BUT GET TO HIM AND HE SAY I NEVER KNEW YOU! Choose today who you will serve. Will it be the gods of the age or will it be the ROCK of All Ages? Will it be JESUS?
PLEASE!Come out from among the world and her temporary pleasures. They lead to DEATH! And the worst death is to be among the walking dead and you do it all in the name of Jesus. Repent today for the Kingdom of God is at Hand. Young people ARISE and RECEIVE the gift of salvation. Not because of what you think you can get but because you realize that God loved you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that He sent His Son to die so that you may live! It’s not enough to just go to “church”. It’s time to ARISE AND SHINE and be the church!!!! Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7)
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Letter of Hope
Dear Child,
I want you to know how much I, God your Father, love you… you who love my Son and are indwelled with my Holy Spirit. You are so special to me!
There is no condemnation for you! Ever! If you think about it all, what in the world can separate us from each other? Shall troubles, distress, or persecution? Of course not! How about famine, nakedness, or danger? No! In everything, I will stand by you, and together we will overwhelmingly conquer all trials.
I want you to have great confidence. Be assured! Neither death or life, angels or demons, anything that has happened in the past or will happen in the future can ever separate us. Think of it this way- my love is higher, lower and stronger than anything I have ever created. Remember the words of my son, Jesus, when he said, “I will be with you always, even to the end of age.” That is a long time! And he meant what he said. I will never leave you or forsake you – believe it!
Remember my love for you is free, with no strings attached.
So never forget: I made you! The Supreme Artist designed you and shaped you, my finest masterpiece. So from now on, walk confidently in this knowledge, in the steps I set aside for you since the beginning of time. Steps only you can walk. I will give you strength to walk in a manner worthy of my love. A lifetime of good works is waiting!
Your Heavenly Father
The foolish thing that God made wise!
Let’s take a moment and just think back over our lives….. What were you doing last year this time? What were you doing two years ago this time? Now, go all the way back to before you came into the knowledge of who Jesus is. For some of us, we need to think about the times we thought we knew God but we lived hypocritical lives.
1 Cor 1:26-28- Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. BUT GOD chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things- and the things that are not- to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him….. Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord”
I do not know about you but I was foolish, lowly, and despised but by the power of Jesus Christ I have been made a NEW CREATION! So I encourage you to know that you are the one that God called and the one that God is going to use in these last days to show His Power. Verse 18 lets me know that we are not saved yet. We are being saved by the power of the cross every day. We have to make a decision to embrace the cross every day. Embrace the love of loving God who sent His one and only son to die for the foolish, the lowly, the despised, & the weak. Endure my friend and realize that you are being saved every day. Every day that you see your weakness, your foolishness, or your lowliness but you embrace that greater is He that is in you than he in the world, YOU ARE BEING SAVED MORE AND MORE. Remember Our God is not like Man. The race is not given to swift nor the strong but to the one who endures to the end! Be faithful to your calling and know that He that has begun a good work in you is faithful enough to complete it!
1 Cor 1:26-28- Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. BUT GOD chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things- and the things that are not- to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him….. Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord”
I do not know about you but I was foolish, lowly, and despised but by the power of Jesus Christ I have been made a NEW CREATION! So I encourage you to know that you are the one that God called and the one that God is going to use in these last days to show His Power. Verse 18 lets me know that we are not saved yet. We are being saved by the power of the cross every day. We have to make a decision to embrace the cross every day. Embrace the love of loving God who sent His one and only son to die for the foolish, the lowly, the despised, & the weak. Endure my friend and realize that you are being saved every day. Every day that you see your weakness, your foolishness, or your lowliness but you embrace that greater is He that is in you than he in the world, YOU ARE BEING SAVED MORE AND MORE. Remember Our God is not like Man. The race is not given to swift nor the strong but to the one who endures to the end! Be faithful to your calling and know that He that has begun a good work in you is faithful enough to complete it!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Purity Camp August 21st!
" I believe it is possible for us to have a right heart for God and yet to have things all wrong in our heads. And with a wrong head, we may very well live in complete defeat and lose ground in the Kingdom of God." from Paula White book- He Loves Me!
Those words jumped off the page right into my face today! How many of us have a heart to serve the Father? We really desire to walk away from the things and the relationships that are destroying our connection to the Father, but we keep finding ourselves back in the same situations, in the same types of relationships, going through the same old cycles.
God told me "Tiffany it's the way you see things, see people, see situations and see yourself. It's the way you THINK!"
I hear people say it all the time.. "Think before you speak".. "What were you thinking".. "Did you honestly think that was okay?"... "Did you honestly think it would not happen to you?" and the list goes on. If we really answered those questions honestly, YES we thought we could get away with "murder". YES we all have at one point thought that "it" would not happen to me. Why? Because our thinking is based off of the wrong motives.
We need to get a new way of thinking and that is why I am reaching out to the young girls in our community. On August 21st, Youth with GUTS will host our first Purity Camp:"Girl Talk- Purity is still cool". God intended for us live a victorious life full of laughter (happiness). Life will not always be perfect but we laugh at the good and the bad when our mindset is in the right place. This Day will be full of workshops and events that help to transform our minds according to the Word of God.
By the end of day I pray that every young lady walks away knowing the Love of Jesus. They will leave equipped with the knowledge that God's plan for their life is greater than anything the world could ever offer!
Please join me on August 21st, 2010 at the Furnace- 309 Holman Drive Garner, NC 27529
Proverbs 31:25 "she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh all the days to come." That sounds like VICTORY TO ME! Join me and let's laugh together!
**SEE FLYER under Upcoming Events for more information!**
Those words jumped off the page right into my face today! How many of us have a heart to serve the Father? We really desire to walk away from the things and the relationships that are destroying our connection to the Father, but we keep finding ourselves back in the same situations, in the same types of relationships, going through the same old cycles.
God told me "Tiffany it's the way you see things, see people, see situations and see yourself. It's the way you THINK!"
I hear people say it all the time.. "Think before you speak".. "What were you thinking".. "Did you honestly think that was okay?"... "Did you honestly think it would not happen to you?" and the list goes on. If we really answered those questions honestly, YES we thought we could get away with "murder". YES we all have at one point thought that "it" would not happen to me. Why? Because our thinking is based off of the wrong motives.
We need to get a new way of thinking and that is why I am reaching out to the young girls in our community. On August 21st, Youth with GUTS will host our first Purity Camp:"Girl Talk- Purity is still cool". God intended for us live a victorious life full of laughter (happiness). Life will not always be perfect but we laugh at the good and the bad when our mindset is in the right place. This Day will be full of workshops and events that help to transform our minds according to the Word of God.
By the end of day I pray that every young lady walks away knowing the Love of Jesus. They will leave equipped with the knowledge that God's plan for their life is greater than anything the world could ever offer!
Please join me on August 21st, 2010 at the Furnace- 309 Holman Drive Garner, NC 27529
Proverbs 31:25 "she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh all the days to come." That sounds like VICTORY TO ME! Join me and let's laugh together!
**SEE FLYER under Upcoming Events for more information!**
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Releasing the Passion in my LIFE!
It started last weekend. God reminded me that GUTS was His ministry. God has given me the passion to want to see young girls set free! Well I had boxed God into MY Ministry. This weekend God asked “okay what did I ask you to do?” I answered like I always do "to minister to young girls and tell them that they do have to settle for less." The Holy Spirit said –“When are you going to start doing that?”
I was confused, but this morning at 4:30am I woke up and the Holy Spirit had me to pray and look at this DVD I purchased "Sex Still has a Price Tag". Conviction fell in my prayer room. But anytime conviction comes change must follow or it's not really conviction. I started seeing my daughter who is 7. The worst thing that could happen is for my daughter to see me minister to girls 16 and up and she never realizes that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit at 7. Something had to change!
God is doing something new in this season. We have to stop putting God in our box and trying to make him fit into our ministry. When God gives you a passion you must release that passion back to him! You have to say God this gift, this talent, this vision that you have given to me what is your full plan for it?
Something has to change! We have to Move with God not God moving with us! This morning my vision for GUTS expanded. The word clearly tells us that our thoughts are not the Father thoughts and eyes have not seen nor ears have heard the thoughts and plans that the Father has for our life. So ask the Holy Spirit to expand your passion. Ask Him to expand your vision. Whatever ministry you have or whatever gift you have, you must be willing to give it to God and allow Him to give you everything you need!
What is your calling? Release the Passion that the Father has given you to Him and allow it to change a Generation for His GLORY!
I was confused, but this morning at 4:30am I woke up and the Holy Spirit had me to pray and look at this DVD I purchased "Sex Still has a Price Tag". Conviction fell in my prayer room. But anytime conviction comes change must follow or it's not really conviction. I started seeing my daughter who is 7. The worst thing that could happen is for my daughter to see me minister to girls 16 and up and she never realizes that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit at 7. Something had to change!
God is doing something new in this season. We have to stop putting God in our box and trying to make him fit into our ministry. When God gives you a passion you must release that passion back to him! You have to say God this gift, this talent, this vision that you have given to me what is your full plan for it?
Something has to change! We have to Move with God not God moving with us! This morning my vision for GUTS expanded. The word clearly tells us that our thoughts are not the Father thoughts and eyes have not seen nor ears have heard the thoughts and plans that the Father has for our life. So ask the Holy Spirit to expand your passion. Ask Him to expand your vision. Whatever ministry you have or whatever gift you have, you must be willing to give it to God and allow Him to give you everything you need!
What is your calling? Release the Passion that the Father has given you to Him and allow it to change a Generation for His GLORY!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Yes to the process!
There is much more Required!
Many times we ask God to use us and He says YES let me process you.
I was reminded this week “Tiffany there is much more required”. I have been praying to the Father “Lord I do not want you to take me where my character can not keep me.”
When you pray for something from your heart the Lord will do just that! He is telling us “I have much to release to you and I have much to break in you!”
He has a great plan and guess what, His plan is perfect. The Lord declares “For I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11 NIV)
At the same time he says “If anyone would come after me, he must DENY himself and take up HIS CROSS DAILY and follow me” (Luke 9:23 NIV)
He is saying I have a plan but I have a requirement too. We must DENY ourselves and bear our cross DAILY. It is a decision that we have to make daily to answer the call and allow Him to process us so we can walk out the call.
The Requirement is surrender! The Requirement is humility! The Requirement is quick repentance! The Requirement is quick forgiveness! The Requirement is being slow to speak and quick to hear! The Requirement is a word life! The Requirement is prayer in the secret place! The Requirement is fasting! The Requirement is giving! The Requirement is keeping your heart in a place of gratitude! The requirement is knowing that everyone is not for you! The requirement is knowing you will be misunderstood! The Requirement is love! The Requirement is knowing that God is not like man and you must know that He really enjoys you!
The Requirement is knowing that it was for freedom that Christ set us free. We have to receive that freedom and stand firm in our calling. We must refuse to be burdened again by yoke and bondage of the sin. We are a new creation and the old has gone. We are clay in the potter’s hand.
God is jealous for us! We are the work of His hand and we can not tell the potter what to do with His clay!
Cry out with me! "Do what you need to do so I do what you need me to do!"
Many times we ask God to use us and He says YES let me process you.
I was reminded this week “Tiffany there is much more required”. I have been praying to the Father “Lord I do not want you to take me where my character can not keep me.”
When you pray for something from your heart the Lord will do just that! He is telling us “I have much to release to you and I have much to break in you!”
He has a great plan and guess what, His plan is perfect. The Lord declares “For I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11 NIV)
At the same time he says “If anyone would come after me, he must DENY himself and take up HIS CROSS DAILY and follow me” (Luke 9:23 NIV)
He is saying I have a plan but I have a requirement too. We must DENY ourselves and bear our cross DAILY. It is a decision that we have to make daily to answer the call and allow Him to process us so we can walk out the call.
The Requirement is surrender! The Requirement is humility! The Requirement is quick repentance! The Requirement is quick forgiveness! The Requirement is being slow to speak and quick to hear! The Requirement is a word life! The Requirement is prayer in the secret place! The Requirement is fasting! The Requirement is giving! The Requirement is keeping your heart in a place of gratitude! The requirement is knowing that everyone is not for you! The requirement is knowing you will be misunderstood! The Requirement is love! The Requirement is knowing that God is not like man and you must know that He really enjoys you!
The Requirement is knowing that it was for freedom that Christ set us free. We have to receive that freedom and stand firm in our calling. We must refuse to be burdened again by yoke and bondage of the sin. We are a new creation and the old has gone. We are clay in the potter’s hand.
God is jealous for us! We are the work of His hand and we can not tell the potter what to do with His clay!
Cry out with me! "Do what you need to do so I do what you need me to do!"
Monday, May 10, 2010
In a Place called REFUGE!
"Here I am to worship" is the song that is ringing in my spirit today.
On yesterday I know the hand of God was upon me and my family. As I sat here today the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about a place of refuge. On yesterday morning we were hit from behind by a Lexis SUV that was hit by a another SUV. The impact damaged the truck but we walk away with bruises and pain....BUT ALIVE!
As I was thinking about what happened, the Holy Spirit said "you're in a place of refuge." I had just read about this in the book by Bob Sorge Secrets of the Secret Place.
The book explains that Ps 91 says "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty ". But then when you go down to vs 3 it talks about the being snared by the Fowler and being caught by perilous pestilence. Bob Sorge points out in his writings "The fact that God delivers us from those things does not negate the reality of the pain we experience when we are initially caught in their grip"
The Holy Spirit brought this reading back to me today as I reflected on yesterday. Sometimes the enemy will come in and attack you when you least expect him to. We were sitting at a stop light talking and speaking on the goodness of the Lord when BANG! bodies went forward... Mary crying... Mother hurting... Husband in shock with his glasses flying off his face and into his lap...TIME SEEMED TO STOP at that moment.
In our spiritual walk with the Father we may be on the way to our destiny and BANG! But when you are in that place of refuge under the Father's care what should have pushed you into death, moves you but you bounce back. There may be some pain from the impact but you are still alive and ready to keep moving on to what the Father has for you.
The enemy is out for keeps but our protection in found in the care of our Father. Our protection in found in our place of Refuge. Abide today under the shadow of the Almighty. Life may hit you hard but the Lord is with you and He is saying YES when the Enemy in saying no.
Our GOD IS GREATER! Thank you Daddy!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!
NIV 2- Timothy 2:19
"Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "the Lord knows those who are his" and Everyone who confess the Name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."
If you meditate on this scripture, it is saying those who confess in the Name of the Lord will turn away from their wicked ways. When we turn away from our wicked ways and turn the Father he recognizes us as His own.
How do we turn from our wicked ways? We must be a people of Prayer, of Fasting, and of the Word. Prayer keeps our connection with the Father alive. Fasting helps to kill the flesh and makes us sensitive to the voice of the Father and the Word is a lamp to our feet.
God is calling for vessel that will have a solid foundation. Vessel of Honor that will abide in Him. He is looking for those that will turn from the wickedness of the world and turn to Him.
But is a great house there are not only vessel of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. (2 Tim 20-21)
Repentance! Repentance is our opportunity to turn from things that have been hindering love , and as such, repentance becomes the catalyst for a greater and more profound intimacy with the Father (Bob Sorge- Secrets of the Secret Place)
I want to be in a intimate relationship with the Father. I want Him to call me His very own! And when we repent and turn we will be vessels of honor for noble use in the Kingdom.
Our Prayer today: "Lord thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You that Your Son, Jesus, died so that we could be forgiven for our sin. Today Lord I ask for forgiveness for the things in my life hindering love, righteousness and holiness. Lord I desire to be a vessel of honor. I desire to be a instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful for You and prepared for everything that You would have me to do in the earth today. Remove the wickedness in my nature that discolors the fabric of my thoughts, motives, feelings, responses and desire. Show me all the areas of sin in my life like pride, rebellion, unbelief, envy, selfishness, ambition and covetousness. Here I am Lord! I am in need of your touch!I will not relent until you have all of me!"
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Reality Check
The Reality is that God Called you to him and not to yourself
The Reality is that He gave you FREE WILL
The Reality is that you can gain the whole world and lose your soul
The Reality is that you must take off the old man
The Reality is that sin has no hold you. It's power depends on you.
The Reality is that Jesus Christ already defeated the enemy and the enemy has no power
The Reality is that you must keep your mind on the Father and then He will keep you in perfect peace
The Reality is that He loves you but He hates your sin
The Reality is that it's His grace keeping you because the word states that the wages of sin is death
The Reality is that if you are reading this blog then you are not dead so God's grace and mercy is active in your life
The Reality is that He created you for His glory and His glory alone
The Reality is that we can know about him but you must KNOW HIM
The Reality is that He wants you to know Him
The Reality is that He wants you to serve Him
The Reality is that He is not like man
The Reality is that He is standing there waiting for you to come to Him
The Reality is that Faith without works is dead!
So check you reality and see if you really are giving Jesus Christ all He deserves from you:
"Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, by his wounds we are haled." Is 53:4-5
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm Desperate!
What do you want and how bad do you want it! God is releasing according to your desperation!
When you are are desperate for God nothing or no one else matters to you. You are willing to walk away from some friends. You are willing to waste your life for the sake of Christ. You are willing to submit to authority. You willing to cry and scream until you get you a break through.
The Father is waiting to see if you want a quick fix or are you really desperate for a CHANGE!
What do you want? What are willing to do? What are you willing to give up? Who are you willing to give up? Who are you willing to connect with?
This is the cry of man that said I WANT GOD MORE!
David's cry in Ps 51: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.... Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be cleanse; wash me and I will be whiter than snow.... create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. RESTORE to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."
It's a cry of desperation that the Father is after. Will you lift your voice and say Lord have mercy for I have sinned against you and you alone! Wash Me Lord. Cleanse me Lord! RESTORE me back to that place were I knew You! To that place where I knew You were good Father and You did not have to prove Yourself to me! Lord let me see the benefits in being Your child. RESTORE my joy in Your salvation. I want the joy of the Lord that is my strength when my flesh is weak. LORD I NEED YOU AND IF YOU DO NOT DO IT WILL NOT BE DONE!
How desperate are you! Get down and dirty and give your heart's cry to the Father and watch Him move in your life. Watch your life change for the better. See how when you are tested and tried your praise will remain the same because you have had a revelation that it's already worth it!
When you are are desperate for God nothing or no one else matters to you. You are willing to walk away from some friends. You are willing to waste your life for the sake of Christ. You are willing to submit to authority. You willing to cry and scream until you get you a break through.
The Father is waiting to see if you want a quick fix or are you really desperate for a CHANGE!
What do you want? What are willing to do? What are you willing to give up? Who are you willing to give up? Who are you willing to connect with?
This is the cry of man that said I WANT GOD MORE!
David's cry in Ps 51: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.... Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be cleanse; wash me and I will be whiter than snow.... create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. RESTORE to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."
It's a cry of desperation that the Father is after. Will you lift your voice and say Lord have mercy for I have sinned against you and you alone! Wash Me Lord. Cleanse me Lord! RESTORE me back to that place were I knew You! To that place where I knew You were good Father and You did not have to prove Yourself to me! Lord let me see the benefits in being Your child. RESTORE my joy in Your salvation. I want the joy of the Lord that is my strength when my flesh is weak. LORD I NEED YOU AND IF YOU DO NOT DO IT WILL NOT BE DONE!
How desperate are you! Get down and dirty and give your heart's cry to the Father and watch Him move in your life. Watch your life change for the better. See how when you are tested and tried your praise will remain the same because you have had a revelation that it's already worth it!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My soul's song
My Souls Sings……
Nothing compares to his love The Love of Abba Father
His love is jealous and it’s as strong as a ocean It’s far more than just another notion
His love is better that wine That is why I give him this life of mine
His love is shown through his son’s blood And it overflow into my life like a flood
His love for me caused his son to suffer So Lord my heart is what I offer
It’s Love that releases mercy and grace So Lord I will seek your face
To see you high & lifted up This sin I will give up
Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord
Breathe life into my bones Breathe life into my soul Breathe life in this heart of mine
Release the Breath of your love over me It’s because of your love that I am free
When the world came crashing down It was your love I found
Your love gave me a second chance It was that day that had my first glance
You are so gentle yet strong For you oh Lord my soul longs
Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord
Breathe Life into my bones Breathe life into my soul Breathe Life into this heart of mine
Nothing compares to his love The Love of Abba Father
His love is jealous and it’s as strong as a ocean It’s far more than just another notion
His love is better that wine That is why I give him this life of mine
His love is shown through his son’s blood And it overflow into my life like a flood
His love for me caused his son to suffer So Lord my heart is what I offer
It’s Love that releases mercy and grace So Lord I will seek your face
To see you high & lifted up This sin I will give up
Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord
Breathe life into my bones Breathe life into my soul Breathe life in this heart of mine
Release the Breath of your love over me It’s because of your love that I am free
When the world came crashing down It was your love I found
Your love gave me a second chance It was that day that had my first glance
You are so gentle yet strong For you oh Lord my soul longs
Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord Breathe on me Lord
Breathe Life into my bones Breathe life into my soul Breathe Life into this heart of mine
It’s you I want and you alone!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sin is the Rape of God's Mercy
I was awakened last night and again this morning at 1:30am. Last night I kept hearing Romans 12.
Roman 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your body as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.
"Sin is the rape of the Father’s mercy" is what keeps ringing in my mind. When we sin, it is taking God’s mercy and doing what we please. Without the Father’s permission we take His grace and mercy and use them to satisfy and justify the flesh. When you have a clear view of who the Father is and what He did for you on Calvary you will freely serve Him and let go of the world’s pattern.
What view do you have of the Father?
Psalm 119:9-11 How can a young man (woman) keep his ways pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
In the words of a strong woman of God that I respect and admire “You need some more word… You do not have enough word in you.”-PG-
We need some more word. We need to meditate on the word day and night. Not just any word but a word concerning the sin, the question, the issues that we have in our life. We have to grab a hold of the word concerning that issue of the flesh and kill the flesh with the word. It is only by His word that we will we be able to stand against the ways of this world. It is only by the understanding of who the Father truly is that we will "in the view of His mercy present our body as a living sacrifice."
What is your view of God’s mercy. Is it just your ticket to sin or is it your ticket to a righteous and holy life? Watch this video and ask yourself "do I really value the sacrifice that was made for me?"
Roman 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your body as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.
"Sin is the rape of the Father’s mercy" is what keeps ringing in my mind. When we sin, it is taking God’s mercy and doing what we please. Without the Father’s permission we take His grace and mercy and use them to satisfy and justify the flesh. When you have a clear view of who the Father is and what He did for you on Calvary you will freely serve Him and let go of the world’s pattern.
What view do you have of the Father?
Psalm 119:9-11 How can a young man (woman) keep his ways pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
In the words of a strong woman of God that I respect and admire “You need some more word… You do not have enough word in you.”-PG-
We need some more word. We need to meditate on the word day and night. Not just any word but a word concerning the sin, the question, the issues that we have in our life. We have to grab a hold of the word concerning that issue of the flesh and kill the flesh with the word. It is only by His word that we will we be able to stand against the ways of this world. It is only by the understanding of who the Father truly is that we will "in the view of His mercy present our body as a living sacrifice."
What is your view of God’s mercy. Is it just your ticket to sin or is it your ticket to a righteous and holy life? Watch this video and ask yourself "do I really value the sacrifice that was made for me?"
Saturday, January 30, 2010
He loves Me! (you too)
Wow I am 4.5 hours away from being 28 years old. God has truly been faithful to me. It's funny... All I have been hearing is two things. 1) God's track record with me has been perfect and 2) Every sin that I have committed has been because of my unbelief.
As I look back over the past year and even years before, I believe that God has been so perfect to me even when I was sooooo messed up. When I turned 27 God told me that he was going to complete some things in my life. He did just what He said He was going to do!
I just finish writing a list of 10 things that I want God to help me with this year. At the top of that list is "help me trust again." Not just my trust in Him but in people. I want to trust that someone can actually love me. I want to trust that I do not have be perfect in everything and my mess ups are really alright. I want to trust that I am out of the box that I built up to protect myself over the years. I want to trust that it's okay to let people into my heart again.
Luke 12:7- Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
I want this year of my life to full of faith! I do not want to fear anymore and that requires me truly embrace the love of the Father 1st.
The next thing on my list is help people by my blog and my the gifts that God has given me.
So I start by this Blog. If you struggle with your self-worth and trusting in the Father. Know that God cares. When no one understands and you still find yourself struggling. I say let your prayer be...
Father it's me again. I ask you to help my unbelief. My head is telling me that you love me but heart is saying that I have made too many mistakes. Let your word get out of my head and into my heart. Let me trust you more! Let me meditate on your word and not just read it. Let the words become reality to me! Let the eyes of my heart be opened to the hope of knowing you more and more! Thank you for loving me and being patience with me Father. To rely on myself is dangerous so let my self worth not be in me but in you. Let me not think more of myself than I ought but with sober judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith that you have given to me (Roman 12:3) Increase my FAITH in you LORD!
Remember God's track record is perfect and every sin that you have and will commit will be because you do not trust His faithfulness!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Spilt Milk
On this morning its 8:20am and I realize that my daughter did not do her practice test for homework on last night. It’s 8:20am we need to be out of the house by 8:30am and she is begging me for a cup of cereal and the homework is still not done.
So, I placed the cereal and milk in a plastic cup. She sits at the table with her practice test and a pencil as I call out the words.
Then splash! In a effort to write and eat she spills her cup of cereal all over the carpet in the dining room. She immediately begins to defend herself and starts crying because she made a mistake. I stopped and looked at her and the Holy Spirit speaks “the way she is responding is how you respond to me.”
I looked at her, and I said Mary it’s okay. I let told her "I know that you did not mean to do it." I ran and got a towel and just wiped the milk off the table and cleaned the carpet. We finished the work and was off to school.
Many times we believe that God is going to beat us down for the mistakes we make in life so when we mess up we begin to cry and get defensive with God.
He reminded me this morning that in life I spill milk- I make mistakes-- but he is not like man he simply gets a towel and wipes up the mess I have I made. After he cleans up my mess, He gives me instructions on how not to make that mistake again.
~~I love you Daddy! Thanks for always reminding me in the small ways that you care about me and that you are for me not against me! ~~
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Winds of the Father Blow Over Us!
Let the winds of the Father blow over your heart and your soul. Allow the Lord to come into your heart and do a new thing. Allow his power to touch your soul and make your soul line up with your spirit man.
Let the winds of the Father awaken you in 2010. He is unlocking new dreams and vision that are from his throne. He does not want you to live life aimlessly anymore. He does not want you beating the air. He wants you to be effective in 2010. He wants you not to just be excited about the new thing. He wants you to experience newness and refreshing.
He is blowing on the hurt. He is blowing on the disappointment. He is blowing on the rejection. He is blowing on that marriage. He is blowing on your children. He is blowing on your weariness. He is blowing on your sickness. He is blowing on your sin!
"Awake, Awake oh north winds. Awake Awake oh south winds! Blow over us! Refine us, test us, try us and make us pure gold. " Misty Edwards
Cry out for refreshing in your heart and GO HARD after God! Come naked and unashamed. He is waiting for a willing heart, a open mind and broken spirit.
It’s in your weakness that you are MADE STRONG! Welcome to 2010!!
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