On this morning its 8:20am and I realize that my daughter did not do her practice test for homework on last night. It’s 8:20am we need to be out of the house by 8:30am and she is begging me for a cup of cereal and the homework is still not done.
So, I placed the cereal and milk in a plastic cup. She sits at the table with her practice test and a pencil as I call out the words.
Then splash! In a effort to write and eat she spills her cup of cereal all over the carpet in the dining room. She immediately begins to defend herself and starts crying because she made a mistake. I stopped and looked at her and the Holy Spirit speaks “the way she is responding is how you respond to me.”
I looked at her, and I said Mary it’s okay. I let told her "I know that you did not mean to do it." I ran and got a towel and just wiped the milk off the table and cleaned the carpet. We finished the work and was off to school.
Many times we believe that God is going to beat us down for the mistakes we make in life so when we mess up we begin to cry and get defensive with God.
He reminded me this morning that in life I spill milk- I make mistakes-- but he is not like man he simply gets a towel and wipes up the mess I have I made. After he cleans up my mess, He gives me instructions on how not to make that mistake again.
~~I love you Daddy! Thanks for always reminding me in the small ways that you care about me and that you are for me not against me! ~~
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