You can check out the interview for yourself at the link below!Joel Osteen was asked if Homosexuality is a sin and he sugar coated his answer-- I was waiting to hear some word come on his mouth...
Okay my brothers and sisters! Will you stand for something! The enemy is making a mockery of the Christian Faith and GOD! Period... We are not called to be GOOD people we are called to be RIGHTEOUS. Joel Osteen had a great platform to stand on in his interview with Piers. He allowed the spirit of the world to literally PUNK HIM!
Come On CHURCH we better start standing for something or we are going to FALL for ANYTHING.
This is unacceptable! Yes God loves the person but he HATES SIN! The photo that you see on this blog is on the cover of magazines in our grocery stores! Our children will grow up in a world where this is the norm. WE better start taking a stand without apology!
It's situations like this that will determine who is on the narrow road or the wide road! "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and MANY enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a FEW FIND IT." Matt 7:13-14
The Church has watered down the gospel. Jesus did not preach a message to build you up to be a better you! He said "Whoever doesn't take up his cross and follow me doesn't deserve to be my disciple." (Matt 10:38) Then he said "The person who tries to preserve his life will LOSE IT, but the person who loses his life for me WILL PRESERVE it. (Mark 12:30)
So why is the church preaching this "All about ME and ME being GOOD PERSON..you know JESUS LOVES ME JUST THE WAY I AM." I really want to stop the press and say IT'S NOT ABOUT Jesus LOVE FOR YOU! THE QUESTION IS "DO YOU LOVE HIM?" Not the Love the world understands, but the love his word commands. IF YOU LOVE ME YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS!
Don't love the world and what it offers. Those who love the world don't have the Father's love in them. 1 John 2:15
Piers asked Joel in the interview what would you say to a Homosexual.. Here what His answer should the have been:
Homosexuality is a sin (yes it's no bigger than any other sin) It is the spirit of the age! It's like all other sin. The father of lies, Satan, has deceived our nation to believe that this is a act of nature and you were born this way. We are all born into sin and we must be born again. This is a sexual sin and Romans 1:24-27 sates "Therefore God gave them over to the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the DEGRADING of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the TRUTH of GOD for a LIE, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator (your house, your car, your career, all those things are created things or opportunities that the Lord gave you).....Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the man also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
Anyone in the sin of Homosexuality must first REPENT for the SIN of Sexual immorality. Recognize that their body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and therefore they must FLEE from immorality. (1 Cor 6:18-2)(Eph 5:11-21)
Realize that LOVE OF GOD FORGIVES THEM not Tolerates sin. (1 Cor 6:9-11) (Micah 7:18-19)
And by the power of God they can lay down that sin and change (not to be a better person but to be a person holiness and righteousness). (2 Cor 5:17) (John 8:36) (1 cor 10:13)
Then they have to build themselves up in the word of God and understand that the flesh is always weak but the spirit of God living inside of them is willing! (Gal 5:16) (Ps 141:4) (Rom 6:6,11-14,19)
God has called us to FLEE the evil desire of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
So my prayer is that the church will begin to speak boldly against the deception of the enemy. That we will speak with Love but speak TRUTH. We have to stop trying to be politically correct and be biblical correct.
Go Hard or GO HOME... After all, God's saving kindness has appeared for the benefit of ALL PEOPLE. It trains us to avoid ungodly lives filled with worldly desires so that we can live self-controlled, moral, and godly lives in this present world. (Titus 2:11-12)
woow, this is a message that should be taught in every church. But the sad part i that some "christians" would have a problem with what you said. what is the body of Christ coming to. Keep being raw and speaking truth. It's much needed.
This is the truth!!!!!!!nothing but the truth stand for something fall for anything
This is in your face raw truth and to God be the glory. The Body of Christ as a whole is literally living in fear of the opinions of the world. Many have fallen away from Christ while lifting thier hands in Sunday morning worship. Let God use you Woman of God and know that these teens need your voice and they respect your voice. Enough of the weak minded believers!
Awesome word Tiff. I read about that interview with Joel and my heart was truly grieved.
I love your no nonsense words but still full of the love of God for all and a call for us to stand up and stand for what we know to be true!
Spot on! Thanks for speaking the truth with boldness. Light isn't hid under a bushel. Time for the church to be salt and light. Thanks Tiffany!
Don't you think u r little bit hard? God is love and he understand that these men need each other. The word say his grace is sufficient so that means all they need is his sufficient grace to help them. he has forgiven them.
thank you
Anonymous said..
Jesus Thank you for TRUTH!!!!
The word does say that His grace is sufficient, however let's not take it out of context. The Lord was speaking to a believer whose heart's cry at that moment was to be free from something that was distressing him and to please God as well. These men have no intent to do either, and that is clear by their actions. Christ has paid the price for their sin, however if they do not embrace that sacrifice and appropriate its power into their lives so that they can be free from the sin then they will be destined for eternal destruction, just like any of us will who do not do the same.
God is love, and God is holy. These men don't need each other, they need God. Because He is holy and sin cannot dwell with Him, they must embrace His love so that they can be reconciled back to Him.
Truth hurts...but if it is received it will also bring freedom.
Thank you.
You Go Hard with TRUTH!!!! Keep bringing the TRUTH somebody out there need it they just don't know they need it.
AMEN Joshua. I blame the church overall for this type of thinking that the person posted two posts before yours. The Body of Christ has compromised so much that people are confused. Jesus open the door for all of us to be born again.So if someone believes he/she is born gay, then simply get born again. God loves you and He wants you to be free. Don't fall for the spirit of this world and be deceived. READ the word! His word stands alone and its total truth! We will be judged when we leave this earth...
Go Hard After the enemy and cut His head off! Your sword is definitely sharp. Keep yeilding it. i just took your blog as an opportunity to have a discussion/ teaching with my children to see what they thought and saw. Their own little hearts were hearting for souls who are lost and the comments that came from their own mouths as 6,8, 9 year olds shows that Jesus is Lord. They wanted to pray for them and break rebellion , no self control,unforgiveness, kill, steal, destroy, all these differnt things from a generation that is coming up and will see this in full operation. they even wanted to pray for pastors that would not tell people about this sin and other sins being wrong, cause they cant really love the people cause they would let them go to hell or probably are in that sin themselves. Oh Lord Jesus Help us.The little ones are crying out for truth!
What if your child ends up being gay? Then what? Will you believe then that they were born that way? Do you think God will force them to love the opposite sex when they are attracted to the same sex. Feelings are real and cannot be denied. You should watch Oprah she makes some great points about this subject. God has given her a platform for love.
All About Me
Okay- I first want to say I do not beleive that people are born gay. I have a examble that I use often- If you are younger and the same sex touches you it feels good. If you are younger and a adult touches you then it feels good. The difference is we call one molestation and the other we allow our children to buy into the lie that it felt good because they are gay. NO the TRUTH is they are both wrong. WE are not to live be our feelings your feeling are temporary. SIN IS SIN to me and if my child grew up and said she was gay I would take her to the word of God because that is the final authority in my life. I would treat it just Like I would if she grew up and wanted to do drugs or if she grew up and was full pride and rebellion and selfish, I would take her to the word of God because it's all SIN. JESUS is the way. Just in case you do not know Oprah does not believe in JESUS and therefore she can not tell me anything about LOVE. Sexual sin is not love it's lust. So I hope that answers your question. Satan is the Father of lies and he has lied to our generation to think that homosexuality is right because it's called Love NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! God did not create a man to be with man nor a female to be with a female. It's Wrong. And guess what God loves them but he hates the sin and her is coming back to judge sin(satan)
NOTE THIS: I Posted this on the other blog too but to put it out there I am not talking because I got it all together. But I speak truth because I delt with this spirit in the world and I beleived the lies of the enemy too. But guess what I am born agian and old things past away and all things are made new! Anyone dealing with sin it is not until death if you repent and turn from you evil ways. This is not any different than any other sin. God wants you to be free. He offered you freedom through his son JESUS. Jesus desires to take your sin and wash you clean. Yes God loves you and there is a generation waiting for you to be free so that you can break this sexaul spirit from over their live as well. Our God is greater than any stronghold. He cares for you and he wants you to experience freedom and love. REAL LOVE the way he ordained for it to be. I love you too and that is why I am speaking out. God does not want you to settle for less when he has a greater plan and purpose for your live.
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