On my last blog about Elton John and David Furnish (his partner)someone posted:
"Don't you think u r little bit hard? God is love and he understand that these men need each other. The word say his grace is sufficient so that means all they need is his sufficient grace to help them. he has forgiven them.
The Truth about GRACE! Roman 5 Paul taught that "where sin increased, grace abounded all the more" (vs 20)
but he quickly went on to say that this is no incentive to careless living: What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? MAY IT NEVER BE! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? (Romans 6:1-2)
1 Pet 2:6 Live as FREE men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.
GRACE= a NEW LIFE Old things and it's evil desires are passed away- (Homosexuality IS A SIN. It is a EVIL DESIRE!)
Romans 6:13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as a instrument of righteousness. vs 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, BECAUSE you are not under the law, but under grace.
So to answer this person's question. NO I am not being hard, I am speaking truth! God will forgive them if they repent and Repentance means to TURN AWAY. God's Grace is sufficient for those fighting to stay free from Sin not any of us that will continue in sin.
DO NOT MISHANDLE GRACE. And just in case you think I am casting a stone. READ the story again. John 8:2-11. The last word of JESUS vs 11 "Then neither do I condemn you", Jesus declared. " GO NOW AND LEAVE YOUR LIFE OF SIN" After Jesus shows us grace, he also expects us to walk out of the sin when he forgives us of.
Again like I posted in my last blog, NO SIN IS GREATER THAN THE OTHER! What these men need and anyone trapped in sin needs is JESUS! The LOVE OF JESUS IS TO SET US FREE FROM A LIFE OF SIN!

Thank you. We have so much to learn in these last days. Our minds must be renewed in the basic foundation of God's word. Lord HELP US!!
Rain Fire
I think everything say was truth for the most part so how r beilever going make a change by debaate whats right and wrong or do u have an answer that can change their life have u reach out so they can see the light that you carry. really what's the answer and have u send any information on how they can be saved,b/c life and death is in our tongue we can change the surrounding,also think that when God bring things to us i think he also give us the answer.my point is with truth must come a answer to how a change can take place better yet set free. PRAYER IS A MUST TO STOP CONFUSION MAKE IT PLAIN. not saying that it's not plain they living in sin. what about when u don't beileve what the father what u 2 do as beilever. r they saved that's the first thing.
Response to post from Anonymous directly before this one: The answer is Jesus Christ. When we preach truth which is the gospel (good news), we release the answer. The gospel is powerful enough all by itself to penetrate a person's heart and open them up to begin to hear truth. This is not a debate, but a declaration of truth. Christian cannot be silent any longer but speak out. We need to encourage one another to speak out as well. We sow the seed and Father God will water it.
The author of this blog made it very clear....Jesus is the answer.
And she speaks out everyday to those who cross her path and don't know the truth. I am a witness to that.
Rain Fire
First let me say this... this is not something I talk about it's what I lived. Like said before and I will keep saying it NO SIN IS GREATER THAN THE OTHER! If I deal with pride and rebellion I will be judge the same as someone trapped in Sexual sin. Sin is a heart issue and therefore we must be born again. FAITH WITHOUT WORKS is DEAD! That means that once we pray we must take steps into walking out what we are asking to be free. The issue I should have said is does Elton John and His partner even beleive in salvation. If they are not saved then they must like the first BLOG said REPENT and RECIEVE SALVATION. My issue is that Joel Osteen had a platform to speak truth and did not speak truth. My cry is for the church to STOP MAKING excuses for Sin in any area of our lives, in our nation, and in our church. The devil is making a mockery of LOVE and has preverted with LUST! Rather it be male and female relationship or same sex relationships. If you read the first blog then is gives step by step with the word on how to walk out of sexual sin period. Like I said I lived a life of sexual sin and dealt with the spirit in my life and my anwser is still the same JESUS!
I think the whole point that I was tring 2 make was the answer to the wrong.yes we must stand up and speak out also show those that r going in the wrong direction the right direction that the father has plan for us all. We must uplift each no matter right and wrong. Like I said with truth their r steps 2 get their no knowing u personally just reading the blog it was point that we also need to address the answer we go all day. Thanks for clearing up the misunderstood part that I was not hearing in the blog. We must give the whole thing not in parts. No I did not read all the blogs just saw that one like omg. Let me speak out 2. Much of the father love this way. contuine 2 do what the father called u 2 do.Peace and GraceBe unto u.
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