Saturday, October 18, 2008

Go Low and Slow

Over the past few weeks all I heard echoing in my spirit is “Go low and slow”. I began this month with Catalyst. Catalyst 08’ was held in Georgia. All I can say is that it was truly a launching in the spirit. At the same time, all I could hear was “Go low and slow”. God is truly pulling on the heart of those who will be His “Called out Ones”. He is seeking a generation who will go before the throne of Grace. He is looking for those who will stay low. Stay on their face. Stay at the throne. Stay in a position of total surrender to God. When you are in a low place before the Father you don’t move at your own pace. You don’t get ahead of God and you don’t lag behind. Going slow means that everything you do is lead by God and not yourself. Going slow means that “you will not let go until God blesses your soul!”

So I encourage you to “Go Low and Slow”! Surrender to the call! Surrender your heart, your body, your mind and soul to the Father. You will not regret it!

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