The Love of the Father!
I am a PK- Preacher's Kid. I grew up in church all my life, I praise God for my upbringing, but I rejected God because I saw so much hypocrisy in church. It's not a good excuse now that I look back on it. The real issue was I learned how to do church, and I learned how to play the role but I never had a relationship with God.
I rebelled and turned to world. I found myself in sexual immorality. Sex was my drug of choice. Just like a crack head I did anything to have sex even when it meant compromising my identity. In Feb of 2002 I found out I was pregnant. After my daughter was born I slowed down for a while. After her father left, I got depressed and that lifestyle became my fall back. It was were I found comfort.But it did not last.
Hurt after Hurt and chasing my "baby daddy" wanting him to love me got old. I dealt with shame and guilt. This whole time I was living a totally different way by day. I was a college student, a dorm room RA, a leader on my campus and I was getting rewards for all my "great success". But the whole time I dying on the inside. ENOUGH was ENOUGH!
On September 23, 2003 I made up my mind to really give my life to Jesus. My daughter turned one years old that year. I vowed to God my body, my mind, and my heart. I took a vow of spiritual virginity. I asked God to restore me and to wash me of all my guilt and shame. I walked away from friends and I began to run after God with everything in me. I knew that the love I wanted could only come from the Father and the best dad for Mary would be Jesus.
But God’s plans are so much BIGGER. As I worked in the Kingdom and I set my eyes on the Father. I learned what real Love looked like. I learned what the word had to say about purity and righteousness. I made a vow that I would not date and I would wait until God sent me a Man of God. On September 26th, 2008 God said to me I will give you my love in the heart of Man that will love you as I love my church. He will show you the love that I have for you. I will give you a man that will be a father and Godly example for your daughter. I will give you a KING. On August 15th, 2009 God gave me my promise….. Ian “Joshua” Walker (who was a virgin!!!!!!!!!!)
It is nothing but the grace and mercy of God! The moment I released what I wanted to God and said nothing else matters if I don’t know you Lord … He released my blessing. God you are SOOOOOOO good.
I stand as a testimony of the Love of the Father! His love covers; His love washes; His love is fulfilling; His love never fails!
My desire is that Youth all over this nation will rise up and take a stand for Purity. My ministry is birthed from a place of restoration. I like to say that I am the Woman at the well! He filled my thirst with a greater Love. Then became the woman that poured her alabaster box at His feet! I gave him my all and His reward was greater than I could ever imagine.
That is why I host Purity Camps. On December 3rd, 2011 I will be hosting Purity Camp 2011 at the Furnace 309 Holman Drive in Garner, NC.
The theme this year is "RIOT - A Purity Revolution". Our youth are being pulled away from God by the temptations in the world. Purity Camp is a time to gather and encourage our youth to turn away from the world & keep their affections towards Jesus.
This event is for youth and young adults ages 15-25(College Students above 25-30 welcome). It will be a day full of deliverance and freedom for the youth involved.
Click above on the Flyer and Register Today!