Earlier this year Pastor Sherry announced that Bla-zen would be teaming up with DG4Life (out of California) to go on a mission trip to South Africa. I was excited because this would be my second time going and this time it was 11 of us including my husband Joshua. From March 2010- October 2010 I saw God move in a tremendous way.
As you read this, I want you to think about the things that God has called you do. What desires and dreams do you have? God desires for us to go into all the world to spread His Gospel and this is a testimony of God's hand releasing:
As the team began our fundraisers, we had to pay $1500 to DG4 LIFE and $2300 for our plane tickets. Pastor Sherry gave us instruction after instruction and would not let us settle for less. When God calls you to do something, the only thing keeping you from being the person who does it and the person who does not is this: either you DO SOMETHING OR YOU DO NOTHING! This Mission trip thought me how to believe God and how to really live a life of TRUSTING GOD.
God asked me why are we (His body) so full of unbelief? After all the excuses the bottom line is we walk in unbelief because we really do not know Jesus. We talk with our lips but not with our hearts. A heart of unbelief is wavered between two opinions. For us as a team, we were either going to believe God or Not.
For this mission trip I saw God move like never before in my life financially. In the first two weeks of Fundraising I had a couple bless me with my entire $500 deposit. Then within the next month donations came in from friends and family and my entire $1500 to DG4LIFE was paid in full.
You would have thought that I would not ever doubt God right. WRONG. When it came time to raise the $2300 for my plane ticket I found myself struggling with that heart of unbelief again. Like peter I was walking on water and then I took my eyes off of Jesus and looked at the circumstances. (Matt 14:22-35) I looked at the " I can'ts".. "that's too much"... "no one will help me".. "maybe I will not make it"...etc. But God spoke so profoundly to me and said "Am I God?"
Within the next three months donations flooded and then they stopped. Me and husband were still looking at raising money for the trip and making sure the house was cared for. (God is a God of order). God really blew our minds. God had two people one we know and one that we had never met before walk up us and place rent money in our hands. Literally one person said "As you are about your Father's business he is about your business." We did not worry too much we were just going to take out a loan. Again God asked me "Am I GOD?" My family received blessings, unexpected checks, unexpected refunds and favor! Not only did we pay off South Africa but we were able to pay all of our bills up to Feb 2011 in November and we paid off several debts that we had. BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I enter into 2011 God is challenging me to move forward and not look backward. It was so funny because I keep going to my mail box looking for bills. My daughter said mommy why do we not have mail. The Holy Spirit stopped me and I looked at her and said because our bills are paid. So I ask you today ,"Is Jesus not Lord?" Many Times God calls us to walk out the destiny that he set before us and we struggle with doubt and unbelief. Sometimes we play the religious "name it and claim it" game. God is saying, not only believe that I am God but also put your faith into action!
God wants to do a new thing in the body of Christ in the area of INCREASE. He is reversing that Money Cometh to Me for Me mentality and is releasing Money is coming to Me to get Through me to advance his Kingdom. Us being debt free is not for us to boast and take trip after trip to gratify our flesh. It's for us to take the money and give back to the Kingdom. God is not releasing INCREASE for us to buy bigger houses and bigger cars so people can look at us and see our wealth. He's releasing INCREASE so that we can build up His Kingdom!
Believe me I want a nice home and nice car because those are benefits of being a King's Kid but my house and my car are just tools for the Kingdom to be advanced. Rather it be hosting small groups at my house or allowing college students to rest in our home while they are on break, it does not matter because it's God's house. He allowed us to inhabit it while we are here on the earth.
Let's step into INCREASE with a NEW MINDSET THIS YEAR! FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD! God is faithful. The team of 11 people went to South Africa but not only did our lives change, God took us on a journey called "TRUSTING GOD 101". We had to trust God for the impossible to be made possible.
I thank all of my supporter and I praise God for showing me what LOVE looks like through the eyes of the children in South Africa.
So I encourage everyone to step out of boat this year. Allow God to be God in your life. DO SOMETHING this year. Stop saying you have a vision. WALK the VISION out! If God gave it to you, he will supply ever need according to His riches in heaven . This is truly a two year reign of INCREASE in the body of Christ. Not just in the area of money but in ever area of your life!
1 comment:
This is an awesome post just to give conformation on what the father has been speaking to me but he's not just saying to me he's saying to those that believe.But at the same time I've to check myself because i don't have a person telling me I need to give to the kingdom all the time my pastor always say it's an heart issue so he don't preach or pressure you on giving either you give or you don't,but I've been wanting to to give to ministry beyond my normal giving because I belive God is doing an awesome thing with he's beilever to make a change in this world. We need to do our part and it take money to do things and I beileve it must be mind blowing when we present it to people even those that don't believe. So just reading I must hold myself accountabilty to give beyond what I think because it's God.Truth be told he's been faithful to my family in every way if I think it he's already working on it. I think he's give me alot of material things to see my responds and it feel goood don't get me wrong but it's more than material things for me if you just change somebody life for ever is enough for me give people wisdom beyond measure is what's up for me. Be Blessed.
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