Friday, November 21, 2008

Take God Out Of The Box!

Have you ever heard someone tell you to take God out of the box? This is something that I haved heard people say often. Well, have you just took it as just another "church saying"?

It sounds good to repeat but then we turn around and place God in our little boxes. It came to me today while listening to Ayiesha Woods CD that we really have to make a decision everyday not to box God in. Every time you worry- a box- every time you complain... a box.. every time you borrow money... a box.. every time you look at the situation more than God... a box.. every time you walk by someone that does not know JESUS... a box.. every time you "feel" bad and decide I rather stay at home and not trust God... a box! We place God in these little boxes and really think that we are honoring him with our weak prayers. Boxed in prayers that don't change the way we view God because we are praying from a box instead of the word. It is the word of God applied, believed, received, and WALKED OUT that removes God from the box. The box is the way you view God. The box is our mindset. The box is the position that our heart really is in.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Have to know that God has Called you to change a World that is afraid of what they may lose if they change ,but what a challenge that you should embark upon. The journey that may seem on going is also life-changing and the outcome in the end is that WE WIN. When we all come together we begin to have one mind one spirit one purpose with empytiness and passion from the KING will in turn BOX IN the devil. NOW THATS GUTS!!!!! Keep doing what your doing you been called out to change the world