My prayer is that more people in the church will speak out and share their testimony because the young people need to know that JESUS saves! Below is a link to a testimony about a young lady who was in the lifestyle of homosexuality. This is in response to someone asking me to show people how to get out of the lifestyle of Homosexuality.
Jesus Christ is here for anyone struggling with ANY SIN! He wants you to come and lay your sin at His feet. No one is perfect but we are forgiven! No matter what the sin is, Jesus is standing there with open arms saying let me show you the way and the truth. Again God loves YOU but He HATES SIN NO MATTER WHAT THE SIN IS. I do not believe in attacking people in this lifestyle I believe in telling you God has a better plan for your life. God cares about you and he wants you to know that His Love = FREEDOM from ALL SINS.
This is her testimony in the form of a spoken word. She answers so many questions at the end of the spoken word as well so please watch and listen:
Go HARD Purity! Understand that 2 Tim 3 is in full operation in this hour of existence. The church is in a transition right now; going from religion into the freedom of Christ Jesus (relationship). I love Jesus cause He stood on His Father's heart and never allowed folk to move Him. I want to be like Him when I grow up. (-:
This is good!
Rain Fire
Whenever there is truth,opposition will rise to muffle that truth. Keep speaking with clarity and boldness.
The word of God say we overcome by the Lamb of God and the word of our testimony. Praise God for people who will share their life experiencing and let others know God can save them to.It is time for the church to stand up and be transparent concerning things we deal with.Father can deliver us if we come clean and give him something to work with.Lets walk with love and show others love and embrace them through their tranformation.
This video blessed me so much. Thank you for posting it. I have been very close to acting on requests from my basketball teammates. I can't seem to get guys to notice me and I really do like dudes, but some of my lesbian team mates are always there for me. They love me unconditionally and I cannot deny their love for me.
My Mom has asked me about them, but I tell her that they just dress male-lish, but they like dudes. I basically lie to her. She is a believer and raise me to belive and love God, but I cannot deny what I get from them.
This video has really scared me. But I want to test it out one time. Will God forgive me? Please help me because I have no one else to talk to and I am lonely.
Shelia T.
To Shelia T.
WOW the first step to destroy the enemy's assignment for your life is close the door. I encourage you to if not your mom find someone to you can trust and that will speak truth. Sin in general is always attractive to the flesh. It pulls you in but then the end you find yourself and trapped in a life you know is wrong. I was there before one time in my life. I worked around it everyday and just like if a man is speaking in your ear everyday and you really are not rooted in the truth you will find yourself putting your purity on the shelve for a temporary pleasure. So I say to you hold fast to the word. Get to some one that will not judge you but pray you through this. The enemy wants you to give into your flesh but our GOD IS GREATER THAN THE HOLD OF SIN! Listen to what she said it started off as "I will just try it one time". It's a strong hold and it's not easy to break once it gets a hold of you. But God has the power to destroy the chain and He will break every chain and bondage in your life. Allow Him to minister to you. Repent for the thoughts you have been having because sin starts in the mind before you ever act on it. This is your way of escape. He is sending you TRUTH! 2 Tim 2:22 Philipians 1:18-30. The Flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing!
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