Friday, December 11, 2009
Took this from my Daddy!
NOT the old thoughts, of course, which are still true:
But those that remain to nurse and encourage our prejudices.
NOT the old emotions that are filled with kindness:
But all anger and bitter feelings and railing.
NOT the old reverence for the authority of God:
But all fears born of our unworthy service apart from him.
Not the old gracious ministries that blessed mankind:
But the harsh words, the suspicious looks, the clenched hands, and unwilling feet.
NOT the old habits that keep us in the straight way:
But the new fashions that make us unmindful of those things which hold life together in the unity of good manners.
NOT the old friends who grow more beloved each year because their worth is better apprecited:
But the new associations made from mercenary motives.
Let all blessed old things stay, but let the clutter of our heads and hearts be removed, that new inspirations and new affections may come in to gladden our lives.
-James Mckinnon-
Thursday, December 3, 2009
More Wisdom Lord!

I have a great expectation! I have been studying the book of Proverbs. I am asking God to just pour out on me more wisdom and understanding. I have received a passion like never before to partner with the Holy Spirit. I am God’s beloved and I know that He delights in releasing the things I ask according to His will. I know I can not go wrong by asking for more wisdom and more understanding.
Many times I asked God for a heart to serve Him. I have asked God for a deeper revelation of who He is. I asked God for healing and restoration. I have asked God to help me be humble and follow instruction. I ask Him to bless my finances or bless my marriage and family. All that will come with more wisdom and understanding.
The first day I opened the book proverbs I begin to get a revelation on Solomon. You can read about Solomon in 1 Kings. The Lord appeared to Solomon during a dream and told him that he could ask for anything that he wanted and the Lord would release it. Before Solomom even made his request, I noted this about Solomon: He acknowledges the hand of God upon his life. He testifies to God of His goodness and faithfulness to his father David (who is noted to be a man after God’s own heart). He then acknowledges that he is not worthy and in the natural can not perform the task that God has trusted him with. He acknowledges his weakness, and that God still picked him.
It was out of full humility and honor for the Lord that he then ask for a discerning heart to govern the people and to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. God was pleased with Solomon’s request because Solomon's heart was in a lowly place. God released that Solomon's request and also riches and honor because He knew that Solomon could be trusted not to miss handle the riches.
If you keep reading about Solomon the word of God tells us that Solomon had a assignment to build the Lord’ temple. He was not skilled in the natural on how to do this. He asked for wisdom to rule God’s people and men and kingdoms were a blessing to him. They not only brought their natural subsrtances to assist him in building the temple but they sent skilled workers to help him build the temple. We all have a assignment in the Kingdom. Many us of look at the natural circumstances and we realize that we are young, we are unskilled, we have issues with sin and compromise. Like Solomon we must simply ask God for more wisdom and understanding. We must ask for the fear of the Lord to be our daily portion. If you noticed Solomon first recognized the hand of God upon his life and his family. The fear of Lord produces awe and reverence for the power of God operating in your life. The wisdom of God opens you up to receive instruction from your spiritual leader and the Holy Spirit. Wisdom and understanding produces discretion in your life. Wisdom saves you from the wickedness and lesser pleasures in the world. Wisdom will keep you from committing adultery against God and if you are married your spouse.
Wisdom causes you to trust the Lord and not lean on your on understanding. Wisdom can only come from the Father in heaven. You must start be acknowledging Him before you react to certain situations and people. If you acknowledge Him when sin and compromise knocks at the door, then it is easier to say "no" to those lesser pleasures.
“My son (daughter), preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble;….. when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet….. For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from beging snared.” Proverbs 3:21-26
Wherever you find yourself right now. You just have to petition the Father for more wisdom and understanding. It is through the wisdom of God and the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of understanding that will produce good fruit in your life. Lean not on your understanding any longer. Place all of your trust in the Lord and allow Him to direct you path!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Making War
I was afraid of Mary getting out of control, I feared my marriage failing, I feared people and their opinion of me, I feared that I was ineffective in ministry, I feared that my leader really did not want me around, I feared the idea that my family did not understand me, I feared the expectations that everyone had of me, I feared failure. FEAR had become who I was. I did not realize how fear can come upon you so strong and cause you to walk in hatred, anger, and push you away from the people who really love you.
Over the past two months I have been crying out to God to break off all these things that were trying to kill me. I was in a place of explosion. I was feeling like no one around me really cared about me. I kept playing over in my mind every negative word that has ever been said to me. I was remembering the past and my promise that I would never allow a man to hurt me again. Fear birthed suspicion. Suspicion birthed jealousy and jealousy birthed a spirit of Cain.
Please realize that this all started off as hurt and the hurt turned into iniquity. That Iniquity turned into anger and frustration. The Frustration caused me to go into protection mode. Protection mode is another word for Fear. When you begin to walk in fear you are forfeiting your right to your inheritance.
2 Tim states “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (fear), but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”
When I was operating in fear, I was not walking in love, power, and self-discipline. Some versions say "sound mind" and I was not walking in a "sound mind" and therefore my decisions were not sound. The moment that I started walking in fear and the love left and I lost contact with my savior.
1 John 4:8 “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
So God brought me to a place were I could not go any further than the place of repentance. So Saturday I found myself elevating my heart above my head. The spirit of fear had to die! God is allowing us to bring our heart to Him and he is allowing things to surface so that you can deal with the true position of Heart. God is not concerned with your works but He is concerned with you heart! Revival starts with conviction and Repentance. When you are convicted (not condemed) you know it’s nothing that you can do in your own strength. Remember that repentance brings blessing. I have a weight lifted off my shoulders. I not only confessed to the Father but the Father forced me to expose myself to everyone in leadership that morning. I allowed the light of truth to shine on the darkest places of my heart. That light exposed every lie that the enemy was trying to get me to believe. Now the enemy has no rights to my heart.
I urge you to let go and let God. I know you have heard that before. But we have to get to a place where we realize that we sin against no one else but God. When we are angry and hurt and disappointed , God is bigger. When someone lets us down, God is bigger, When we have expectations that are not met, God’s thought are higher! We have to stop letting words, issues, situations and people keep us from knowing God.
I leave you with this 2 Cor 13:3 (Message)“If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the sake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t have love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So no matter what I say, what I believe and what I do I’m BANKRUPT without love. “
Let the love of God invade you. It’s not your leader. It’s not your mother and father. It’s not your sister and brother. It’s not your friend or foe. It’s you standing in the need of prayer and in that place of humility you will be able to push through the hurt, pain, fear, anger, and disappointment. God is bigger and His love can not operate in you when you are full of iniquity and unforgiveness.
Let it Go and Grab a hold of God! It’s too much work trying to be the one in control. It’s too much work always finding fault in someone else. It’s too much work being selfish. The Word tells us to cast our burdens on Him because His burden is light. Cast down every vain imagination that exalts itself higher than God. Get your mind steadfast on the Father and He will keep you in perfect peace. In all things acknowledge God and He will direct your path. WWJD …… He would draw the line in the sand and say to you cast the first stone.
I urge you to enter in 2010 baggage free! It’s some people that you need to forgive for real. It’s some repentance that you need to do. It’s some things that we have to give up and PRIDE is one of them! God is not the author of confusion and where there is division and confusion that is not God. That is the enemy.
I know this post is long but God just wants us to draw close to Him. He wants us to know Him and without true Love we do not know Him. I got to know Him! How about you?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Repentance Brings Blessing
Get back in the game people! Return to the Lord although you have falling by your iniquity. (Hosea 14) We have been driven away by our own sinful desires. There is no temptation that can come upon us that is not common to man. That means that the temptation that we face is common in this age, but we can only be tempted by what we desire. My Pastor always says for most people (normal people) you can not give them a little 5 year old and say rape them. That is sick! We would kill the person who tried to get us to do it. So when you are tempted, it's because in your heart you desire that sin.
God is saying "open up the doors of your heart and allow Me to come and purify you." Allow God to bless you. You have to embrace the GREATER pleasures of serving the Father. It's time to set aside the weight of sin and take hold of the Father's grace and tender kindness. His yoke is easy and His burden is light!
Turn to the Lord with all your heart with fasting, weeping and mourning. Give Him your heart and not your works, not your good idea, not your opinions, and not your lip service. He desires your heart. Give him your heart and He will be gracious to you. When you return to the Lord you will experience his mercy. (Joel 2)
There is a blessing in repenting.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Dear Beloved

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ez 16:6 --- Then (Jesus) passed by you and saw you kicking about your blood, and as you lay there in your blood (He) said to you, “Live!”
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Where are you?
It's Season for everything! Where do you find yourself and do you trust God to see you in that season and bring you out.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
It's Worth It!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
His Love is Piercing the Wire:

Daddy wants to come in and break the wire around your heart. Life has happened and people have mishandled you. Believe me it was all in God’s plan before you were born.
Gal 1:15 “….God who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace….”
God has called us by name and has set us apart. He takes pleasure in blessing you. He takes pleasure in holding you. He takes pleasure in fighting your battles for you. He takes pleasure in your weak moments because He is able to be strong. He takes pleasure in justifying you, redeeming you, healing you, delivering you!
Let Him in. Let a love invasion begin NOW! You really have a heart of GOLD! It’s shining through the hurt. It’s shining through the pain. It’s shining through the rejection. It’s shining through the sexual immorality. It’s shining through the hate. ALL things are working together for your good.
The wire around our heart is not only keeping us from being able to give and receive love but it is blocking us from receiving Daddy’s love for us.
Jesus tells us in John 15:9 & 16 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. NOW remain in my love…… You did not choose me but I chose you …”
It’s time to remain. It’s time to rest in the Father’s love. HE CHOSE YOU! Ask God to reveal to you the way He sees you! He will cut the wire away and you will see what He sees. He sees that your heart is pure GOLD! NOW is the time for Him to do what ONLY He is able! OPEN UP and Let His love wrap around you and draw you closer to Him.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Is it Worth It Really?

Friday, May 15, 2009
You call me fake but God calls me FAITHFUL!

I have heard the word Fake over the past couple weeks on several occasions. It really began to disgust me. I was getting disgusted with myself. I began to see how many times I yell “crucify”.
On this morning I was speaking with one of my closest friends. She was sharing with me her frustration with people not getting over her mistakes. As we were talking the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit “People call you Fake and I call you Faithful”. This young lady, like many young people in the body of Christ that are single, was struggling with loneliness. It the mist of her battle God was using her tremendously in her calling. People around her (including me) began to see her struggle, her disobedience, her lying, her lust and more. What some of us missed was the hand of God on her life.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Lord You Are With Us!
One night I had a dream—
I dreamed I was walking along the beach
with the Lord and across the sky
flashed scenes from my life, For each
scene, I noticed two sets of footprints
in the sand; one belonged to me, and
the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed
before me, I looked back at the footprints
in the sand. I noticed that many
times along the path of my life, there
was only one set of footprints. I also
noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life.
This really bothered me, and I questioned
the Lord about it…
"Lord, you said, that once I decided to
follow you, you would walk with me
all the way, but I have noticed that
during the most troublesome times in
my life there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why in times when I needed you most,
you should leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious
child, I love you and I would never,
never leave you during your times of
trial and suffering."
"When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
If you have a ear hear!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Your Intercession is God's womb:

That is what I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me. As I was sitting in Prayer the Holy Spirit had me searching the books of Psalm. I began to read Ps 139. I just began to cry out to the Father in Thanksgiving! It was so much confirmation to one of my brother’s blog. He shared a revelation he received about God wanting to be intimate with us (go to
I was thinking about that this morning and the Holy Spirit said “I do want to talk to you more. There are things that only you can do in the earth realm for me and I need to know I can trust you. I need to know that you will follow my instruction.” It was an “Okay God" moment for me. I am reading this book titled The Happy Intercessor by Beni Johnson. She explains that our intercession is the womb that God uses to birth His will into the earth.
It is through intercession that we spend quality time with God. The word often compares God and His church to the relationship of a bride and the groom.In the COVENANT of marriage a husband and wife have sex and become intimate with one another. As a result of this intimacy, children are conceived. And thus we have walking bodies on the earth that were conceived from that time of intimacy. Yes I had a WOW moment! God wants to be intimate with us so that we can receive and give birth to his purpose in the earth.
I often say In-ti-ma-cy is "In-to-me-you-see". God wants to see into us:
Ps 139- “You have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar…… You are familiar with my ways .”
God wants to get intimate with you. He needs us to intercede and pray so that He can release dreams, vision, businesses, & movements to you. You have the womb and God wants you to give birth in this season. This generation needs men and women that will be intercessors. Those that will carry His next move in their bellies and birth it! There are things that only you can do. There are souls that only your words will set them free. There are young girls and boys waiting to hear from you.
Are you ready for this? If you don’t do it then it want get done!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Lamp on a Stand

22[[b]Things are hidden temporarily only as a means to revelation.] For there is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything [temporarily] kept secret except in order that it may be made known.
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009
Wake UP!
This week I have been at IHOP, The international House of Prayer. It was no big conference it was just worship and sitting in the presence of the Father. It was a time of hearing what the Lord is speaking to us! I just hear WAKE UP and strengthen what remains. Our work is unfinished. We have been in the church. We have gone through the motions. We have song on the worship team. We have been in the morning prayers. God is still speaking that our work is unfinished! The God of host is ready to open up the heavens and pour out his blessings upon us! We are in a moment of time that we must be able to hear God and obey! We must be able to be able to get in line with the Father and carry His gospel without doubt and sin! The weight of sin is what is keeping us from moving into the move of God! God is speaking so clearly! WAKE UP! We are in this world but not of the world! We are just passing through this life but we answer to a higher calling! What are you doing now that the Lord is saying LET IT GO! Revelation 3:15 tells us that He knows our deeds, that we are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! --- Which way will you GO!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The cry of the unborn!

You are His Handiwork!

I was sitting and just thinking about how we place so much time and effort on the way we look. How many times have you allowed someone else to place you on bondage because they say something about you weight, your hair, or your clothes? In a split second our lives can change. We could die or we could have a accident and never walk or see again. It would not matter at that point how skinny or fat you are. It would not matter how your hair is fixed. At that point the only thing that matters is your relationship with Jesus Christ. We get it twisted so often. What happens when you are so consumed with your image and your beauty that you leave the creator of your body out of the picture? God is not going to say well done my good and faithful servant because you looked good. He is not going to say depart from me because of your fat legs, fat gut, fat arms, skinny legs, big head, or stone feet. The word of God reminds us that we are His handiwork! It’s not your beauty or lack of it that He is after. It’s your heart that Jesus is after. Fear the Lord and nothing else matters.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
He holds you in His HANDS!

The Lord is waiting with open hands to catch you.
Break loose of the prison chains and trust the Father to be God!
Many times we make so many excuses but all we have to do is fall into the hands of the Lord.
His hands are big enough to hold the whole world so what are our issues to him. He is bigger than the situation. He is bigger than that relationship. He is bigger than the hurt. He is bigger than that drug addiction. He is bigger than the parents that do not care. He is GOD! FALL into His HANDS.
Say Something!

Remember your comprehension is not a prerequisite to your cooperation. You don’t have to understand the way God moves just place yourself on the position to experience the move of God. Cooperate with the Father by simply speak to the situation and decree what you want to happen. When we are worshipping God we must learn how to open our mouths and speak.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Breaking out of PRISON

I’m coming out and I want the world to know! Rejection will never ruin another day for me! God processes us through different things so that we can see the need of HIS hand. We have to be completely dependent on the love of God and his word concerning us.